DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native Namespace
Contains classes which implement the native API of the RichEdit suite.
Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.1.Core.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.RichEdit.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation
Name | Description |
CustomHyphenationDictionary | Represents a custom hyphenation dictionary. |
DocumentBookmark | Base class for bookmark start and end elements. |
DocumentBookmarkEnd | A document element that is the bookmark’s end accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentBookmarkStart | A document element that is the bookmark’s start accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentCheckBox | A document element that is the checkbox accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentCommentElement | Base class for comment start and end elements. |
DocumentCommentEnd | A document element that indicates the end of the commented range accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentCommentStart | A document element that indicates the start of the commented range accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentElementBase | Base class for all document elements accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentEndnoteCustomMark | A document element that indicates an endnote reference with a custom mark. |
DocumentEndnoteEmptyReference | A document element that indicates an empty endnote reference. |
DocumentEndnoteReference | A document element that indicates an endnote reference. |
DocumentFieldCodeEnd | A document element that indicates the end of the field code range accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentFieldCodeStart | A document element that indicates the start of the field code range accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentFieldResultEnd | A document element that indicates the end of the field result range accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentFootnoteCustomMark | A document element that indicates a footnote reference with a custom mark. |
DocumentFootnoteEmptyReference | A document element that indicates an empty footnote reference. |
DocumentFootnoteReference | A document element that indicates an footnote reference. |
DocumentFormFieldBase | Base class for all document from field elements accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentHyperlink | Base class for hyperlink start and end elements. |
DocumentHyperlinkEnd | A document element that is the hyperlink’s end accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentHyperlinkStart | A document element that is the hyperlink’s end accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentImageSource | Contains static methods used to create an image from various sources. |
DocumentInlinePicture | A document element that is the inline picture accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentIterator | Iterates over document elements. |
DocumentParagraphEnd | A document element that is the paragraph’s end accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentParagraphStart | A document element that indicates the paragraph’s start accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentPicture | A document element that is the floating picture accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentPosition | A position within a document. |
DocumentRangeExtensions static | Defines extension methods for the DocumentRange interface. |
DocumentRangePermissionEnd | A document element that indicates the end of the range permission accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentRangePermissionStart | A document element that indicates the start of the range permission accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentSectionEnd | A document element that is the section’s end accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentSectionStart | A document element that indicates the section start accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentTableCellBorder | A document element that indicates a table cell border accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentText | Document element that is a group of characters with the same format accessed by DocumentIterator |
DocumentTextBox | Document element that is a text box accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
DocumentTheme | Represents a document theme. |
DocumentVisitorBase | A base class implementing the IDocumentVisitor interface. |
EncryptionSettings | Base implementation of the DocumentEncryption interface. |
FixedRange | Combines start and length of the document range. Used in Layout API. |
HyphenationDictionaryBase | Serves as a base for the hyphenation dictionary classes. |
ImageWatermarkOptions | Contains watermark options. |
MergeFieldName | Maps a data source field name and its display name for use in a bar or Ribbon editor UI. |
OleObjectType static | Contains strings used to specify content types for OLE objects. |
OpenOfficeHyphenationDictionary | Represent an OpenOffice hyphenation dictionary. |
Paragraph | A document paragraph. |
RangePermission | Represents a document range for which editing permissions are set. |
RangePermissionCollection | Represents a collection of range permission in the current document. |
ReadOnlyTableCellBorderProperties | Represents the table cell border properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
SectionColumn | An individual column in the layout. |
SectionColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns in the layout. |
SelectionCollection | A collection of selections in the document. |
SyntaxHighlightProperties | Contains format settings for a token. |
SyntaxHighlightToken | A range of text with format settings. |
TabInfo | A tab stop. |
TabInfoCollection | A collection of tab stops. |
TextWatermarkOptions | Contains text watermark options. |
Name | Description |
AbstractNumberingList | Serves as a pattern for numbered and bulleted lists to define their appearance. |
AbstractNumberingListCollection | A collection of AbstractNumberingList objects. |
ActiveXFormat | Contains ActiveX control characteristics. |
Bookmark | Defines a bookmark in the document. |
BookmarkCollection | An interface that defines a collection of Bookmark objects. |
CanvasShapeCollection | A collection of shapes in a drawing canvas. |
Capture | Represents the part of string matched by the group expression (the string matched by a subexpression of group expression). |
CaptureCollection | Represents a sequence of captured substrings as the set of captures executed by a single capturing group. |
CharacterProperties | Provides access to character properties. |
CharacterPropertiesBase | Serves as the base for the CharacterProperties interface providing access to character properties. |
CharacterStyle | Exposes methods and characteristics of a character style in a document. |
CharacterStyleCollection | Represents a collection of character styles. |
ChartFormat | Contains chart properties. |
CheckBox | An interface implementing the check box functionality. |
Comment | A comment in the document - a text note that is attached to a DocumentRange. |
CommentCollection | A collection of Comment objects. |
CompatibilitySettings | Enables you to specify application-wide settings to ensure compatibility with previous versions of rich text editors. |
ConnectorFormat | Contains connector settings. |
ContentControlBase | Exposes basic members for content controls. |
ContentControlBuildingBlockGallery | Building block gallery content control. |
ContentControlCheckbox | Checkbox content control. |
ContentControlCollection | A collection of content controls in a document. |
ContentControlComboBox | Combo box content control. |
ContentControlDate | Date picker content control. |
ContentControlDropDownList | Drop-down list content control. |
ContentControlListBase | Exposes base members for combo box and drop-down list content controls. |
ContentControlListItem | Exposes members for an item in a combo box and a drop-down list. |
ContentControlPicture | Picture content control. |
ContentControlPlainText | Plain text content control. |
ContentControlRepeatingSection | Repeating section content control. |
ContentControlRepeatingSectionItem | Exposes members for an item in the repeating section content control. |
ContentControlRichText | Rich text content control. |
CustomMark | Represents a custom mark in the document. |
CustomMarkCollection | Represents a collection of custom marks in the document. |
CustomXmlPartCollection | A collection of custom XML parts in a document. |
Document | An interface that exposes the specific functionality of the document. |
DocumentCustomProperties | Contains all the custom document properties for the document. |
DocumentEncryption | Provides the document encryption options. |
DocumentImage | Defines an image in the document. |
DocumentImageCollection | A collection of DocumentImage objects. |
DocumentProperties | Contains core properties of the document. |
DocumentRange | Defines a document range. |
DocumentTrackChangesOptions | Provides the document Track Changes options. |
DrawingObject | A base interface for drawing objects. |
EndnoteOptions | Contains endnote options. |
Field | A document field. |
FieldCollection | A collection of document fields. |
FootnoteOptions | Contains footnote options. |
FormField | An interface implementing the form fields functionality. |
FormFieldCollection | The collection of FormField objects. |
GradientFill | Contains gradient fill settings. |
GradientStopCollection | A collection of gradient stops. |
Group | Represents the results from a single capturing group. |
GroupCollection | Represents character groups matched by the pattern. |
GroupShapeCollection | A collection of shapes in a group. |
Hyperlink | Defines a hyperlink in the document. |
HyperlinkCollection | An interface that defines a collection of Hyperlink objects. |
ICustomXmlPart | A custom XML part embedded in a document. |
IDocumentElement | Base interface for all document elements. |
IDocumentTheme | Base interface for a document theme. |
IDocumentVisitor | Interface implementing the Visitor pattern. |
IHyphenationDictionary | Defines a hyphenation dictionary. |
IRegexSearchResult | Defines the interface used for text searching, using regular expressions. |
ISearchResult | Defines the interface used for text searching. |
LineFillFormat | Contains fill settings for a line or a shape’s border. |
ListLevel | Represent a list level in a numbered or bulleted list. |
ListLevelProperties | Base class for the ListLevel. Provides basic level properties. |
MailMergeOptions | Defines mail merge options for a specific merge process. |
Match | Represents the result of a regular expression matching operation. |
NestedShape | A shape that belongs to a group or drawing canvas. |
NestedShapeCollection | A base interface for collections that store nested shapes. |
Note | Represents a document note (footnote or endnote). |
NoteCollection | A collection of Note objects. |
NumberingList | A numbering definition instance referenced by paragraphs in a document that comprises a numbering list. |
NumberingListBase | Base interface for numbering lists. |
NumberingListCollection | A collection of numbering definition instances. |
ObjectFormatBase | A base interface for the OleFormat and ActiveXFormat interfaces. |
OleFormat | Contains OLE object characteristics. |
OlePackage | Contains OLE Package properties. |
OverrideListLevel | Provides override options for the ListLevel class. |
ParagraphCollection | An interface that defines a collection of Paragraph objects. |
ParagraphProperties | Contains paragraph properties. |
ParagraphPropertiesBase | Serves as the base for the ParagraphProperties interface, obtaining paragraph properties. |
ParagraphPropertiesWithTabs | Interface derived from the ParagraphPropertiesBase to include methods for specifying tab stops within a paragraph. |
ParagraphStyle | Exposes methods and characteristics of a paragraph style in a document. |
ParagraphStyleCollection | Represents a collection of paragraph styles. |
PatternFill | Contains pattern fill settings. |
PictureFill | Contains picture fill settings. |
PictureFormat | Contains picture settings. |
ReadOnlyBookmarkCollection | A collection of Bookmark objects in the document. |
ReadOnlyCheckBoxProperties | An interface implementing the checkbox properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlyCommentCollection | A collection of comments (Comment objects) in the document. |
ReadOnlyCustomMarkCollection | A collection of CustomMark objects in the document. |
ReadOnlyDocumentBuiltInProperties | Implements the built-in document properties retrieved by the RichEditDocumentServerExtensions.LoadDocumentProperties method. |
ReadOnlyDocumentCustomProperties | Implements the custom document properties the RichEditDocumentServerExtensions.LoadDocumentProperties method retrieves. |
ReadOnlyDocumentImageCollection | A read-only collection of document images (DocumentImage objects). |
ReadOnlyDocumentProperties | Implements the document properties retrieved by the RichEditDocumentServerExtensions.LoadDocumentProperties method. |
ReadOnlyEndnoteOptions | An interface implementing the endnote options accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlyFieldCollection | A collection of Field objects in the document. |
ReadOnlyFootnoteOptions | An interface implementing the footnote options accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlyFormFieldProperties | An interface implementing the form field properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlyHyperlinkCollection | A collection of Hyperlink objects in the document. |
ReadOnlyParagraphCollection | A collection of paragraphs (Paragraph objects) in the document. |
ReadOnlyParagraphProperties | Interface implementing the paragraph properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlyParagraphPropertiesBase | Base interface for all paragraph properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlyParagraphStyle | An interface implementing the paragraph style properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlySectionLineNumbering | An interface implementing the line numbering properties of a document section accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlySectionMargins | An interface implementing the margin options of a document section accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlySectionPage | An interface implementing page settings of a document section accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlySectionPageNumbering | An interface implementing the page numbering setting of a document section accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlySectionsProperties | An interface implementing the section properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlyShapeCollection | A collection of shapes (Shape objects) in the document. |
ReadOnlyTableCollection | A collection of tables (Table objects) in the document. |
ReadOnlyTextProperties | An interface implementing the text properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase | Base interface for all text properties accessed by the DocumentIterator. |
Revision | Represents a revision made in the document. |
RevisionCollection | A collection of Revision objects. |
Section | An interface that defines a section within a document. |
SectionCollection | An interface that defines a collection of Section objects. |
SectionColumns | Represents an interface for creating, applying and retrieving a column layout of a section in a document. |
SectionLineNumbering | Defines line numbers in the left margin or to the left of each column in the document’s Section. |
SectionMargins | Provides access to the properties of margins in a Section. |
SectionPage | Provides access to the page settings of a section. |
SectionPageNumbering | Exposes members used to specify page numbering options. |
Shape | A drawing object embedded in a document. |
ShapeCollection | A collection of drawing objects (shapes, pictures, text boxes, charts, watermarks, OLE objects, and ActiveX controls). |
ShapeConnectionPoint | Contains information about connection points. |
ShapeFill | Contains fill settings for a shape. |
ShapeFormat | Contains shape properties. |
ShapeLine | Contains format settings for a line or a shape’s border. |
SolidFill | Contains solid fill options. |
SubDocument | Exposes properties and methods representing essential document functionality. |
Table | Represents a single table. |
TableBorder | The border characteristics of a table. |
TableBorders | Contains characteristics for table borders. |
TableCell | Represents a single table cell. |
TableCellBorder | The border characteristics of a cell. |
TableCellBorders | Contains characteristics for cell borders. |
TableCellCollection | A collection of TableCell objects in a table row. |
TableCellPropertiesBase | Container for table characteristics used to specify table cell characteristics for table styles. |
TableCollection | A collection of Table objects in a document. |
TableConditionalStyle | A style that can be applied to table elements which meet a certain condition. |
TableConditionalStyleProperties | A container that holds conditional styles for the table and enables you to create new conditional styles. |
TablePropertiesBase | Container for table characteristics used to specify default table properties and table style characteristics. |
TableRow | Represents a row in a table. |
TableRowCollection | A collection of TableRow objects that is the table rows in a table. |
TableStyle | A table style. |
TableStyleCollection | A collection of table styles. |
TemplateAbstractNumberingList | Defines the template used for creating abstract numbering lists in a document. |
TextBox | Defines text box content and its settings. |
WatermarkFormat | Contains watermark settings. |
WatermarkManager | Manages document watermarks. |
Name | Description |
GradientStop | Defines the color and position of a transition point in a gradient. |
RectangleOffset | Defines offsets from the shape edges. |
Name | Description |
TableCellProcessorDelegate | A delegate intended to invoke its method for each cell in a table. |
TableRowProcessorDelegate | A delegate intended to invoke its method for each row in a table. |
Name | Description |
ActiveXControlType | Lists ActiveX control types. |
AutoFitBehaviorType | Lists AutoFit layout algorithm types. |
CharacterPropertiesMask | Lists the value masks available for character properties. |
ChartType | Lists chart types. |
CheckBoxSizeMode | Lists the size modes available for the CheckBox object. |
CheckBoxState | Lists states available for the check box. |
CompatibilityMode | Lists modes that specify the compatibility of the document being exported with different Microsoft Word versions. |
ConditionalTableStyleFormattingTypes | Lists table elements to which a style should be applied. |
ConnectorType | Lists connector types. |
ContentControlAppearanceType | Lists values that indicate the content control’s appearance type. |
ContentControlType | Lists values that indicate the content control type. |
DocumentElementType | Lists types of document elements accessed by DocumentIterator. |
DocumentProtectionType | Lists the types of protection that can be applied to the current document. |
EncryptionType | Lists available encryption types for a document. |
EndnotePosition | Lists values used to specify the endnotes position in the document. |
FillType | Lists values that specify how a shape is filled. |
FootnotePosition | Lists values used to specify the endnotes position in the document. |
FormFieldTextType | Lists types of help text associated with the form field. |
FormFieldType | Lists the types of form fields. |
GradientType | Lists gradient types. |
GutterPosition | Lists values that indicate the gutter margin position. |
HeaderFooterType | Lists the header (footer) types. |
HeightType | Lists the meaning of the height specified for the container object. |
InsertOptions | Lists options specifying how formatting is applied to the formatted text inserted into a document. |
LineAlignment | Lists values that specify the alignment of a border line relative to a shape. |
LineArrowSize | Lists values used to specify an arrowhead’s width and length. |
LineArrowType | Lists values that specify the arrowhead type. |
LineCapType | Lists values used to specify the cap type for line ends. |
LineCompoundType | Lists values that specify the compound line type. |
LineDashType | Lists values that specify the line dash type. |
LineJoinType | Lists values that specify the line join type. |
LineNumberingRestart | Lists conditions for the line numbering to revert to the start value. |
MailMergeNumberingRestart | List types of the behavior of numbered lists when the mail merge operation is performed. |
MarginType | Lists values that indicate the margin type. |
MergeMode | Lists delimiters that start the new merged range. |
NoteRestartType | Lists conditions for the notes numbering to reset to the start value. |
NoteSeparatorType | Lists values used to indicate the note separator types. |
NumberingFormat | Specifies the numbering format used for a group of automatically numbered objects, such as pages. |
NumberingType | Lists possible types of a numbering list. |
OleInsertType | Lists values that specify how an OLE object is inserted into the document. |
OleObjectRepresentationType | Lists values that specify how an OLE object is displayed in the document. |
ParagraphAlignment | Specifies a paragraph alignment. |
ParagraphFirstLineIndent | Specifies the indent for the first line in a paragraph. |
ParagraphLineSpacing | Specifies the way to determine the spacing between lines in a paragraph |
ParagraphPropertiesMask | Lists the value masks available for paragraph properties. |
PatternFillType | Lists preset patterns for a pattern fill. |
RevisionType | Lists values used to indicate the revision type. |
SearchDirection | List search directions. |
SearchOptions | Lists options used for searching. |
SectionStartType | Lists the types of a section break. |
ShapeGeometryPreset | Lists values that specify the shape geometry type. |
ShapeHorizontalAlignment | Lists values that specify the horizontal alignment for a shape. |
ShapeRelativeHorizontalPosition | Lists elements to which the horizontal position of a shape is relative. |
ShapeRelativeHorizontalSize | Lists elements to which the shape width is relative. |
ShapeRelativeVerticalPosition | Lists elements to which the vertical position of a shape is relative. |
ShapeRelativeVerticalSize | Lists elements to which the shape height is relative. |
ShapeType | Lists graphical objects a document can contain. |
ShapeVerticalAlignment | Lists values that specify the vertical alignment for a shape. |
StrikeoutType | Lists strikeout styles. |
SubDocumentType | Lists subdocument types. |
TabAlignmentType | List alignment types for tab stops. |
TabLeaderType | Lists repeated characters used to fill in the space created by a tab which ends at the tab stop. |
TableBorderLineStyle | List line styles used for table borders. |
TableCellPropertiesMask | Lists the value masks available for table cell properties. |
TableCellVerticalAlignment | Lists possible vertical alignments for cell content. |
TableHorizontalAlignment | Lists values used to specify the table horizontal alignment. |
TableLayoutType | Lists algorithms which shall be used to lay out the contents of a table within the document. |
TableLookTypes | Lists values used to specify table style options influencing a table appearance. |
TablePropertiesMask | Lists the value masks available for table cell properties. |
TableRelativeHorizontalPosition | Lists values used to specify elements to which the table horizontal position is relative. |
TableRelativeVerticalPosition | Lists values used to specify elements to which the table vertical position is relative. |
TableRowAlignment | Lists alignments allowed for the table row. |
TableTextWrappingType | Lists values used to specify the type of text wrapping around a table. |
TableVerticalAlignment | Lists values used to specify a table’s vertical alignment. |
TextBoxSizeRule | Specifies the rule that determines the text box height. |
TextDirection | Lists values that specify content direction in table cells. |
TextWrappingSide | Lists values that specify how the text wraps around the shape’s sides. |
TextWrappingType | Lists values that specify how a shape is surrounded by text. |
ThemeFont | Specifies theme fonts used to format characters. |
TileAlignType | Lists values that specify how the first tile is positioned relative to a shape with the texture fill. |
TileFlipType | Lists values that specify how to flip tiles when a texture fill is applied to a shape. |
UnderlineType | Lists underline styles. |
VerticalMergingState | Lists values characterizing a cell regarding a vertical merge. |
VerticalTextAlignmentType | Lists values that specify the vertical alignment of text box content. |
WatermarkLayout | Lists values that specify the text watermark layout type. |
WatermarkType | Lists values that indicate the document watermark type. |
WidthType | Specifies how RichEditControl interprets the specified width (length). |