DevExpress.Spreadsheet Namespace
Contains classes and interfaces that implement basic spreadsheet functionality.
Assemblies: DevExpress.Docs.v24.1.dll, DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Document.Processor, DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core
Name | Description |
ActiveSheetChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ActiveSheetChanged event. |
ActiveSheetChangeEventArgsBase | Base class for classes that provides data for the ActiveSheetChanging and ActiveSheetChanged events of the SpreadsheetControl. |
ActiveSheetChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ActiveSheetChanging event. |
BeforePrintSheetEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.BeforePrintSheet event. |
CellRangeExtensions static | Contains extension methods for the CellRange interface. |
CellValue | A data value contained in a cell. |
ChartSheetExtensions static |
Defines extension methods for the ChartSheet interface. You need a license for the DevExpress Office File API Subscription or DevExpress Universal Subscription to use these methods in production code. |
ClipboardDataObtainedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ClipboardDataObtained event. |
ClipboardDataPastedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ClipboardDataPasted event. |
ColumnsChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsInserted and the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsRemoved events. |
ColumnsChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsInserting and SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsRemoving events. |
ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnWidthChanged event. |
CommentChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CommentInserted and SpreadsheetControl.CommentRemoved events. |
CommentInsertingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CommentInserting event. |
CommentRemovingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CommentRemoving event. |
CopiedRangePastedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CopiedRangePasted event. |
CopiedRangePastingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CopiedRangePasting event. |
DataBindingErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the WorksheetDataBindingCollection.Error event. |
DataImportOptions | Contains properties which allow you to specify whether the imported data are treated as formulas, the cell reference style in use, the culture-specific decimal and list separators and a custom value converter. |
DataSourceImportOptions | Allows you to specify data source fields to import. |
DataSourceOptionsBase | Serves as the base for the ExternalDataSourceOptions and RangeDataSourceOptions classes. |
DateGrouping | A criterion for date values. |
DefinedNameConflictResolvingEventArgs | Provides data for the DefinedNameConflictResolving event. |
DocumentOptions | Provides access to workbook options. |
EditRangePermission | Contains security information required for applying user-level security to a ProtectedRange. |
EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailedEventArgs | Provides data for the EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailed event. |
EncryptedFilePasswordCheckFailedEventArgs | Provides data for the EncryptedFilePasswordCheckFailed event. |
EncryptedFilePasswordRequestEventArgs | Provides data for the EncryptedFilePasswordRequest event. |
EncryptionSettings | Base implementation of the EncryptionOptions interface. |
ExternalDataSourceOptions | Contains options for data retrieval from an external data source when establishing a data binding. |
FillSortField | Specifies a fill field to sort by and the comparer used for sorting. |
FilterValue | A value or values used in a filter criterion. |
FontColorSortField | Specifies a font color field to sort by and the font color used for sorting. |
HeaderFooterCode static | Contains format codes used in headers and footers. |
PanesFrozenEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.PanesFrozen event. |
PanesUnfrozenEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.PanesUnfrozen event. |
PivotGroupingValue | Contains data used to specify starting and ending values for the range grouping. |
PivotItemReference | Represents a reference to a specific item in a pivot table. |
RangeCopiedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RangeCopied event. |
RangeCopyingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RangeCopying event. |
RangeDataSourceOptions | Contains various options for a data source created from a cell range. |
RangeExtensions static | Defines extension methods for the CellRange interface. |
RangeImageOptions | Contains options used to export a cell range to an image. |
RichTextRunFont | Contains font attributes for a rich text run. |
RichTextString | Rich formatted text in a cell. |
RowHeightChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RowHeightChanged event. |
RowsChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RowsInserted and the SpreadsheetControl.RowsRemoved events. |
RowsChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RowsInserting and SpreadsheetControl.RowsRemoving events. |
RowsColumnsChangingEventArgsBase | Serves as the base for classes which provide data for the events which occur on inserting or removing rows and columns via the SpreadsheetControl‘s UI. |
ScrollPositionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ScrollPositionChanged event. |
SearchOptions | Contains options affecting search in a document. |
ShapeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ShapeInserted and SpreadsheetControl.ShapeRemoved events. |
ShapeChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ShapeRemoving event. |
ShapesCopyingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ShapesCopying event. |
SheetInsertedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetInserted event. |
SheetRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetRemoved event. |
SheetRemovingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetRemoving event. |
SheetRenamedEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetRenamed event. |
SheetRenamingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetRenaming event. |
SheetThumbnailOptions | Contains options used to generate a thumbnail from a worksheet or chart sheet. |
SortCondition | Combines the column index and the specification of the direction in which column values should be sorted. |
SortField | Specifies the field by which to sort, and the comparer used for sorting. |
SortFieldBase | Base class for sort fields. |
SpreadsheetBeforeExportEventArgs | Provides data for the ISpreadsheetComponent.BeforeExport event. |
SpreadsheetBeforeImportEventArgs | Provides data for the ISpreadsheetComponent.BeforeImport event. |
SpreadsheetCustomAssemblyLoadingEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CustomAssemblyLoading event. |
SpreadsheetImageSource | An object that provides an image for the spreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetInvalidFormatExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the ISpreadsheetComponent.InvalidFormatException event. |
SpreadsheetValidateCustomSqlQueryEventArgs | Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ValidateCustomSqlQuery event. |
ThemeColorScheme | Specifies document theme colors. |
ValueObject | An object that can be used to specify a value associated with a custom cell in-place editor or to create a criterion for data validation. |
Workbook | A non-visual component that allows you to generate and modify spreadsheet documents. |
WorkbookExtensions static | Defines extension methods for objects exposing the IWorkbook interface. |
WorkbookMergeOptions | Obsolete. Provides options used to specify how to merge multiple workbooks into a single document. |
WorkbookOptions | Contains workbook options. |
WorksheetCopyOptions | Allows you to define copy options when you copy data from one worksheet to another. |
WorksheetExtensions static |
Defines extension methods for the Worksheet interface. You need a license for the DevExpress Office File API Subscription or DevExpress Universal Subscription to use these methods in production code. |
WorksheetThumbnailOptions | Contains options used to generate a thumbnail from a worksheet. |
Name | Description |
Alignment | Provides access to the cell content alignment settings. |
AreasCollection | A collection of worksheet CellRange objects from which a union range is composed. |
ArrayFormula | Contains an array formula and the range to which the formula is applied. |
ArrayFormulaCollection | A collection of ArrayFormula objects. |
ArrowSettings | Contains arrowhead settings for a connector. |
AutoFilterBase | Base interface for objects which implement filtering functionality in a worksheet and tables. |
AutoFilterColumn | Provides filtering functionality for a column. |
AutoFilterColumnCollection | A collection of AutoFilterColumn objects. |
AverageConditionalFormatting | Represents the "above or below average" conditional formatting rule. |
Border | Provides access to the line characteristics of a cell border. |
Borders | Provides access to cell borders. |
ButtonFormControl | A button form control. |
CalculationOptions | Contains options used for calculation of formulas contained in the worksheet cells. |
Cell | A single cell in a worksheet. |
CellCollection | A collection of all cells in a worksheet. |
CellRange | Defines a range of cells and serves as the base for the Cell, CellCollection, Column and Row interfaces. |
ChartSheet | A separate sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart. |
ChartSheetCollection | A collection of ChartSheet objects contained in a workbook. |
ChartSheetPrintOptions | Contains options used for printing a chart sheet. |
ChartSheetView | Contains display and print settings for a chart sheet. |
CheckBoxFormControl | A check box form control. |
ColorScale2ConditionalFormatting | Represents a two-color scale conditional formatting rule. |
ColorScale3ConditionalFormatting | Represents a three-color scale conditional formatting rule. |
Column | A single column in a worksheet. |
ColumnCollection | A collection of all columns in a worksheet. |
ComboBoxFormControl | A combo box form control. |
Comment | A simple note (legacy comment) added to a cell. |
CommentCollection | A collection of simple notes (legacy comments) contained in a worksheet. |
CommentRun | A note text region with its own set of font characteristics. |
CommentRunCollection | A collection of note text regions, each formatted with its own font. |
ConditionalFormatting | A conditional format applied to a range of cells. |
ConditionalFormattingCollection | A collection of all conditional formatting rules on a worksheet. |
ConditionalFormattingExtremumValue | Obsolete. Represents a minimum or maximum threshold for a conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingIconSetInsideValue | Obsolete. Represents a threshold value for an icon set conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingIconSetValue | Represents a threshold value for an icon set conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingInsideValue | Obsolete. Represents a threshold value for a conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingValue | Represents a minimum or maximum threshold for a conditional formatting rule. |
ConnectorFormat | Contains connector settings. |
CustomCellInplaceEditor | Represents a custom cell in-place editor assigned to a cell or cell range in a worksheet. |
CustomCellInplaceEditorCollection | Represents a collection of the custom cell in-place editors assigned to worksheet cells. |
CustomFilter | Contains the settings of a custom filter. |
CustomXmlPartCollection | A collection of custom XML parts in a workbook. |
DataBarConditionalFormatting | Represents a data bar conditional formatting rule. |
DataSelectorFormControl | Exposes members for form controls used to select data: list box and combo box. |
DataValidation | Provides access to a data validation rule defined for a worksheet range. |
DataValidationCollection | A collection of DataValidation objects. |
DefinedName | A defined name that refers to a cell, range of cells, formula or constant value. |
DefinedNameCollection | A collection of defined names stored in a worksheet or workbook. |
DocumentCustomProperties | Contains custom document properties associated with a workbook. |
DocumentProperties | Contains basic document properties associated with a workbook. |
DocumentSettings | Contains workbook options related to formula calculation. |
EncryptionOptions | Contains the workbook encryption options. |
ErrorValueInfo | Contains information about an error that occurred in a cell. |
ExpressionConditionalFormatting | Represents a conditional formatting rule that uses a relational operator to determine which cells to format. |
ExternalDefinedName | A defined name that is contained in the external workbook or in the external worksheet. |
ExternalWorkbook | An external workbook. |
ExternalWorkbookCollection | A collection of external workbooks. |
ExternalWorksheet | A worksheet contained in an external workbook. |
Fill | Contains the cell background attributes. |
FilterCriteria | Provides information on multiple values and groups of dates by which to filter. |
FloatingObject | A base interface for floating objects in a worksheet (pictures, charts and comments). |
Formatting | Provides access to cell format characteristics. |
FormControl | Exposes basic members for all form control types. |
FormControlCollection | A collection of form controls. |
FormulaExpressionConditionalFormatting | Represents a conditional formatting rule that uses a formula as a formatting criteria. |
GradientFill | Contains characteristics required to create a gradient fill. |
GradientStop | A color stop that constitutes a gradient fill. |
GradientStopCollection | A collection of color stops which constitutes a linear gradient. |
GroupBoxFormControl | Group box form control. |
HeaderFooterPicture | A picture embedded in a worksheet header or footer. |
Hyperlink | A hyperlink contained in a cell or cell range. |
HyperlinkBase | Serves as the base for the Hyperlink and ShapeHyperlink interfaces that define hyperlinks for cells and shapes. |
HyperlinkCollection | A collection of hyperlinks contained in worksheet cells. |
IBindingRangeValueConverter | An interface that allows you to convert cell values to custom objects and back. |
ICellValueConverter | A converter that converts custom objects to cell values and vice versa. |
IClipboardManager | Allows you to write data to the system clipboard. |
IconSetConditionalFormatting | Represents an icon set conditional formatting rule. |
ICustomXmlPart | A custom XML part embedded in a workbook. |
IDataSourceColumnTypeDetector | Provides the capability to identify the name and type of each column in a data source created from a cell range. |
IDataValueConverter | An interface that allows you to modify data being imported before insertion in a worksheet. |
IgnoredError | Specifies a worksheet range and a type of the formula error which will be ignored in that range. |
IgnoredErrorCollection | A collection of IgnoredError objects. |
IRangeProvider | Provides properties and methods to get cell ranges. |
ISpreadsheetComponent | Exposes the basic functionality to manage workbooks. |
ISupportsFormatting | Contains format characteristics that are applied to cells when the condition of the conditional formatting rule is true. |
IUsedNameSet | A set of table and defined names existing in the destination document into which a formula or worksheet containing a conflict name is pasted. |
IWorkbook | A workbook loaded into the Spreadsheet control (for WinForms, WPF, and ASP.NET). |
IWorkbookMergeResult | Obsolete. Contains a result of merging multiple workbooks. |
LabelFormControl | Label form control. |
LinkedCellFormControl | Exposes members for form controls that can be linked to a cell: combo box, list box, checkbox, radio button, scroll bar, and spinner. |
ListBoxFormControl | List box form control. |
Margins | Provides access to page margins used when a worksheet is printed. |
PageBreaksCollection | A collection of page breaks in a worksheet. |
Parameter | A single query parameter. |
ParametersCollection | A collection of parameters for queries used in Mail Merge. |
Picture | An image embedded in a worksheet. |
PictureCollection | A collection of Picture objects. |
PivotBehaviorOptions | Contains options that allow you to restrict specific operations in the PivotTable report. |
PivotCache | Represents the data cache for a PivotTable report. |
PivotCacheCollection | Represents the collection of data caches from the PivotTable reports in a workbook. |
PivotCalculatedFieldCollection | A collection of calculated fields in a PivotTable report. |
PivotCalculatedItemCollection | Represents a collection of calculated items in a PivotTable field. |
PivotDataField | Represents a reference to a PivotField object that is currently shown as a data field. |
PivotDataFieldCollection | Represents a collection of fields located in the data area of a PivotTable report. |
PivotField | Represents a field in a PivotTable report. |
PivotFieldBehaviorOptions | Contains options that allow you to restrict an end-user’s ability to move or remove a PivotTable field. |
PivotFieldCollection | Represents the collection of all fields in a PivotTable report. |
PivotFieldGroupingInfo | Provides access to range grouping characteristics. |
PivotFieldLayout | Contains layout settings for a PivotTable field. |
PivotFieldReference | Represents a reference to a PivotField object that is currently shown as a row or column field. |
PivotFieldReferenceBase | Represents a base interface for the PivotFieldReference, PivotPageField and PivotDataField interfaces. |
PivotFieldReferenceCollection | Represents the collection of row or column fields in the PivotTable report. |
PivotFieldSortOptions | Contains sort options for a PivotTable field. |
PivotFilter | Represents a filter applied to a PivotTable field. |
PivotFilterCollection | A collection of filters applied to the PivotTable fields. |
PivotItem | Represents an item in a PivotTable field. |
PivotItemCollection | Represents a collection of PivotItem objects in a PivotTable field. |
PivotLayout | Contains various options used to adjust the layout of the PivotTable report. |
PivotLocation | Contains information about the location of a pivot table and its areas. |
PivotPageField | Represents a reference to a PivotField object that is currently shown as a page field. |
PivotPageFieldCollection | Represents a collection of fields located in the report filter area of a pivot table. |
PivotTable | Represents a PivotTable report on a worksheet. |
PivotTableCollection | A collection of all PivotTable objects in the worksheet. |
PivotViewOptions | Contains display settings for a pivot table. |
ProtectedRange | An association of a worksheet range and credentials required to unlock it for editing. |
ProtectedRangeCollection | A collection of items which associate worksheet ranges and security information required to unlock them for editing. |
Protection | Contains various options in effect when the worksheet is protected. |
RadioButtonFormControl | Radio button form control. |
RangeConditionalFormatting | Represents a conditional formatting rule that formats cells which are between or not between two values. |
RangeFormControl | The base interface for form controls that use a value range: spinner and scroll bar. |
RankConditionalFormatting | Represents a "top/bottom N" conditional formatting rule. |
ReadOnlyDocumentCustomProperties | Stores custom document properties associated with a workbook. |
ReadOnlyDocumentProperties | Stores document properties retrieved from a workbook by the Workbook.LoadDocumentProperties method. |
RealTimeData | Defines a real-time data object for use with the Real Time Data (RTD) function. |
RepliedThreadedComment | A comment reply. |
RepliedThreadedCommentCollection | A collection of comment replies. |
RichTextRange | A range of characters within a cell’s rich text. |
RichTextRun | A region of the cell text with its own set of font characteristics. |
Row | A row in a worksheet. |
RowCollection | A collection of all rows in a worksheet. |
ScrollbarFormControl | Scrollbar form control. |
ShadedFormControl | Exposes members for shaded form controls: spinner, scrollbar, radio button, list box, group box, combo box, and checkbox. |
Shape | A common interface for drawing objects in a worksheet. |
ShapeCollection | A collection of drawing objects (shapes, pictures, and charts). |
ShapeFormatBase | Contains properties used to format drawing objects (shapes, pictures, and charts). |
ShapeGeometry | Contains the shape geometry information. |
ShapeHyperlink | A hyperlink associated with a drawing object. |
ShapeText | Provides access to a shape’s text format settings. |
ShapeTextParagraphFormat | Contains paragraph settings for a shape text range. |
ShapeTextRange | Represents a text range within a shape. |
Sheet | An individual sheet in a workbook and a base interface for Worksheet and ChartSheet. |
SheetAutoFilter | An object implementing the filtering functionality for the specified worksheet. |
SheetCollection | A collection of all sheets (worksheets and chart sheets) contained in a workbook. |
SheetView | Contains display and print settings for a sheet. |
SortState | Contains sort conditions and allows you to perform sorting. |
Sparkline | Represents a single sparkline in the sparkline group. |
SparklineCollection | A collection that stores the Sparkline objects for the specified sparkline group. |
SparklineColor | Contains display options for the horizontal axis and data markers of a sparkline group. |
SparklineGroup | Represents a sparkline group on a worksheet. |
SparklineGroupCollection | A collection of the SparklineGroup objects in a worksheet. |
SparklineHorizontalAxis | Contains settings for the horizontal axis of a sparkline group. |
SparklinePoints | Contains marker options for data points on the sparklines in a sparkline group. |
SparklineVerticalAxis | Contains scaling options for the vertical axis of a sparkline group. |
SpecialConditionalFormatting | Represents a conditional formatting rule that formats cells with specific values. |
SpinnerFormControl | Spinner form control. |
SpreadsheetFont | Contains the cell font attributes. |
SpreadsheetFontProperties | Contains font attributes for a range of characters within the cell text. |
SpreadsheetHistory | A history of operations performed in a workbook. |
SpreadsheetMailMergeOptions | Contains the mail merge options. |
Style | A named cell style. |
StyleCollection | A collection of cell styles in the workbook. |
StyleFlags | A style flag that controls formatting options to be applied. |
Table | A table in a worksheet. |
TableAutoFilter | An object implementing the filtering functionality for the specified table. |
TableCollection | A collection of tables contained in a worksheet. |
TableColumn | A single column in a table. |
TableColumnCollection | A collection of columns in a table. |
TableStyle | A named table or pivot table style. |
TableStyleCollection | A collection of table and PivotTable styles in a workbook. |
TableStyleElement | A table style element. |
TableStyleElements | A collection of table style elements. |
TextConditionalFormatting | Represents a conditional formatting rule that formats cells that contain or do not contain the given text. |
TextFormControl | Exposes members for form controls that contain text: button, check box, group box, label, and radio button. |
ThreadedComment | A threaded comment. |
ThreadedCommentAuthor | Contains information about the author of the comment. |
ThreadedCommentCollection | A collection of threaded comments. |
TimePeriodConditionalFormatting | Represents a "date occurring…" conditional formatting rule. |
WorkbookColorPalette | A color palette for a workbook. |
WorkbookTheme | A document theme. |
Worksheet | A worksheet in a workbook. |
WorksheetCollection | A collection of worksheets in a workbook. |
WorksheetDataBinding | Contains information about a cell range bound to an external data source or used to create a data source. |
WorksheetDataBindingCollection | A collection of data bindings specified in a worksheet. |
WorksheetHeaderFooter | A worksheet header or footer. |
WorksheetHeaderFooterOptions | Allows you to specify headers and footers for a worksheet or chart sheet. |
WorksheetOutlineOptions | Contains options used to specify the summary rows and columns location. |
WorksheetPageNumbering | Contains options that affect page numbering when printing worksheets in a workbook. |
WorksheetPrintOptions | Contains options used for printing a worksheet. |
WorksheetPrintTitleOptions | Represents the object that specifies rows and columns to be repeated on every printed page. |
WorksheetTableDataBinding | Contains information about a Table bound to an external data source or used to create a data source. |
WorksheetView | Contains display and print settings for a worksheet. |
WriteProtectionOptions | Contains write-protection options for a workbook. |
Name | Description |
CellKey | A cell’s unique identifier within a workbook. |
ConditionalFormattingCustomIcon | Provides access to the particular icon in the icon set. |
DocumentFormat | A document format. |
Name | Description |
ActiveSheetChangedEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ActiveSheetChanged event. |
ActiveSheetChangingEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ActiveSheetChanging event. |
BeforeExportEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.BeforeExport event. |
BeforeImportEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.BeforeImport event. |
BeforePrintSheetEventHandler | A method that will handle the BeforePrintSheet event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
ClipboardDataObtainedEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.ClipboardDataObtained event. |
ClipboardDataPastedEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ClipboardDataPasted event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
ClipboardDataPastingEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.ClipboardDataPasting event. |
ColumnsInsertedEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsInserted event. |
ColumnsRemovedEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsRemoved event. |
ColumnWidthChangedEventHandler | A method that handles the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnWidthChanged event. |
CommentChangedEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.CommentInserted, SpreadsheetControl.CommentInserted, SpreadsheetControl.CommentRemoved and SpreadsheetControl.CommentRemoved events. |
CommentInsertingEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.CommentInserting and SpreadsheetControl.CommentInserting events. |
CommentRemovingEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.CommentRemoving and SpreadsheetControl.CommentRemoving events. |
CopiedRangePastedEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.CopiedRangePasted event. |
CopiedRangePastingEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.CopiedRangePasting event. |
DataBindingErrorEventHandler | A method that will handle the WorksheetDataBindingCollection.Error event. |
DefinedNameConflictResolvingEventHandler | A method that will handle the DefinedNameConflictResolving event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailedEventHandler | A method that will handle the EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailed event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
EncryptedFilePasswordCheckFailedEventHandler | Represents a method that will handle the EncryptedFilePasswordCheckFailed event. |
EncryptedFilePasswordRequestEventHandler | A method that will handle the EncryptedFilePasswordRequest event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
InvalidFormatExceptionEventHandler | A method that will handle the InvalidFormatException event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
PanesFrozenEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.PanesFrozen event. |
PanesUnfrozenEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.PanesUnfrozen event. |
RangeCopiedEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.RangeCopied event. |
RangeCopyingEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.RangeCopying event. |
RowHeightChangedEventHandler | A method that handles the SpreadsheetControl.RowHeightChanged event. |
RowsInsertedEventHandler | A method that will handle the RowsInserted event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
RowsRemovedEventHandler | A method that will handle the RowsRemoved event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
ShapesCopyingEventHandler | A method that will handle the ISpreadsheetComponent.ShapesCopying event. |
SheetInsertedEventHandler | A method that will handle the SheetInserted event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
SheetRemovedEventHandler | A method that will handle the SheetRemoved event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
SheetRemovingEventHandler | A method that will handle the SheetRemoving event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
SheetRenamedEventHandler | A method that will handle the SheetRenamed event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
SheetRenamingEventHandler | A method that will handle the SheetRenaming event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
SpreadsheetCustomAssemblyLoadingEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.CustomAssemblyLoading event of the SpreadsheetControl. |
SpreadsheetValidateCustomSqlQueryEventHandler | A method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ValidateCustomSqlQuery event. |
Name | Description |
ArrowheadSize | Lists values used to specify an arrowhead’s width and length. |
ArrowheadType | Lists values that specify the type of a connector’s arrowhead. |
BorderLineStyle | Lists line styles for cell borders. |
BuiltInStyleId | Lists built-in cell styles. |
BuiltInTableStyleId | Lists built-in styles similar to Excel’s built-in table styles. |
CalculationEngineType | Lists types of computational models used for spreadsheet calculations. |
CalculationMode | Lists modes that specify when to calculate formulas in the document. |
CellValueType | Lists the data types of cell values. |
ChartSheetProtection | Lists values used to specify chart sheet elements to which protection is applied. |
ColumnFormatMode | Lists values that specify how to format inserted columns. |
CommentsPrintMode | Lists the values to specify how cell comments are printed. |
ConditionalFormattingAverageCondition | Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in an "above or below average" conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingDataBarAxisPosition | Lists values that specify the axis position between negative and positive bars when the data bar conditional format is applied. |
ConditionalFormattingDataBarDirection | Lists values that specify the direction of data bars when the data bar conditional format is applied. |
ConditionalFormattingExpressionCondition | Lists values that specify the type of the relational operator in a conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingRangeCondition | Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingRankCondition | Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a "top/bottom N" conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingSpecialCondition | Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingTextCondition | Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingTimePeriod | Lists applicable time periods in a "date occurring…" conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingValueOperator | Lists values that specify the relational operator type for the icon set conditional format. |
ConditionalFormattingValueType | Lists values that specify the type of the threshold value to be used in conditional formatting rules. |
ConnectorType | Lists connector types. |
CustomCellInplaceEditorType | Lists types of the custom in-place editors that can be assigned to cells in a worksheet. |
DataBindingDirection | Indicates whose value is being updated during binding. |
DataBindingErrorType | Lists possible error causes relevant to cell range data binding. |
DataSourceEditingOptions | Lists the editing options which can be applied to the data source originated from cell range. |
DataValidationErrorStyle | Lists the styles of data validation error alert. |
DataValidationImeMode | Lists values that specify how the IME (input method editor) mode is controlled by data validation. |
DataValidationOperator | Lists comparison operators used in criteria for certain validation types. |
DataValidationType | Lists data validation types. |
DateTimeGroupingType | Lists grouping types used to specify filter criteria for DateTime values. |
DefinedNameScope | Lists values used to specify the defined name scope. |
DeleteMode | Specifies how to delete cells from a worksheet. |
DiagonalBorderType | Lists the types of cell diagonal borders. |
DocumentSecurity | Lists the security levels of the document. |
DynamicFilterType | Lists the types of dynamic filter, i.e. a filter whose results may depend on the data to which it is applied or the current date. |
EncryptionType | Lists available encryption types for a workbook. |
ErrorsPrintMode | Lists the values to specify how cell errors are printed. |
ErrorType | Lists errors that can occur in cells. |
FillType | Lists fill types. |
FilterComparisonOperator | Lists comparison operators used in a custom filter. |
FilterType | Lists types of filters available for the AutoFilter functionality. |
FontSchemeStyles | Lists values used to specify the font scheme. |
FormControlCheckState | Indicates available states for the checkbox form control. |
FormControlOrientation | Indicates the scrollbar form control orientation. |
FormControlSelectionMode | Lists values that indicate selection modes available for the list box form control. |
FormControlType | Indicates the form control type. |
FormulaReplacementMode | Specifies how to replace copied formulas if they contain references to worksheets that do not exist in the destination workbook. |
GradientFillType | Lists the types of gradient fill. |
HeaderFooterSection | Lists document header and footer sections. |
IconSetType | Lists values that specify the icon set type for an icon set conditional format. |
IgnoredErrorType | Lists types of errors that can occur in cell formulas. Use the Worksheet.IgnoredErrors property to ignore these errors. |
ImageFileFormat | Lists image formats you can use to save a cell range as an image. |
ImageReplacementMode | Specifies how to insert a new image when you replace an existing worksheet image with a different image. |
InsertCellsMode | Specifies how to insert new cells into a worksheet. |
MergeCellsMode | Lists available modes to merge cells. |
PageOrder | Contains the values to specify the order in which worksheet pages are numbered and printed when the worksheet data does not fit onto one page. |
PageOrientation | Lists values used to specify the page orientation applied when a worksheet is being printed. |
PasteSpecial | Specifies the part of data to paste from copied cells into target cells. |
PatternType | Lists patterns to apply to a cell. |
PivotAxisType | Lists values used to specify areas in the PivotTable report to which a PivotField may belong. |
PivotBaseItemType | Lists types of base items that can be used by the “Show Values As” calculation options. |
PivotCacheType | Lists values that specify the cache type of the PivotTable report. |
PivotDataConsolidationFunction | Lists aggregation functions to apply to data fields in a PivotTable report. |
PivotFieldGroupByType | Lists values that specify how items of a row or column field are grouped. |
PivotFieldSortType | Lists values that specify the sort order for a PivotTable field. |
PivotFilterTop10Type | Lists values used to specify what items should be included in the “Top 10” filtering results. |
PivotFilterType | Lists values that specify the type of filter to be applied to a PivotTable field. |
PivotPageOrder | Lists values used to specify the orientation of multiple page fields in the PivotTable report filter area. |
PivotReportLayout | Lists values used to specify the type of the PivotTable report layout. |
PivotShowValuesAsType | Lists options that specify how summary values are displayed within a data field. |
PivotSubtotalFunctions | Lists functions used to calculate subtotals for the PivotTable fields. |
PivotSubtotalType | Lists values that specify how subtotals are calculated for a PivotTable field. |
Placement | Lists the ways the object is attached to the cells below it. |
ReferenceElement | Contains values to specify the type of a cell reference to be obtained. |
ReferenceStyle | Specifies the cell reference style. |
RowFormatMode | Lists values that specify how to format inserted rows. |
ScriptType | Contains the values used to make the text in a cell superscript or subscript. |
SearchBy | Lists values that specify the direction of the search. |
SearchIn | Lists values that specify what to examine in each cell while searching. |
ShapeGeometryPreset | Lists values that specify the shape geometry type. |
ShapeTextAutoSizeType | Lists values used to specify the auto-size mode for shape text. |
ShapeTextHorizontalAnchorType | Lists values used to specify the shape text’s horizontal alignment. |
ShapeTextHorizontalOverflowType | Lists values used to specify how to display text that overflows the shape horizontally. |
ShapeTextOrientationType | Lists values used to specify the type of a shape text’s orientation. |
ShapeTextParagraphAlignment | Lists values used to specify the paragraph alignment for a shape text range. |
ShapeTextReadingOrderType | Lists values used to specify the reading order of a shape’s text. |
ShapeTextVerticalAnchorType | Lists values used to specify the shape text’s vertical alignment. |
ShapeTextVerticalOverflowType | Lists values used to specify how to display text that overflows the shape vertically. |
ShapeTextWarpFormat | Lists warp types for shape text. |
ShapeType | Lists types of graphical objects a worksheet can contain. |
SheetType | Lists values used to specify the sheet type. |
SortBy | Lists values used to indicate the sort type. |
SparklineAxisScaling | Lists values used to specify how to calculate the minimum and maximum values for the vertical axis of a sparkline group. |
SparklineGroupType | Lists sparkline group types. |
SpreadsheetFontStyle | Lists the cell font styles. |
SpreadsheetHorizontalAlignment | Specifies horizontal alignment of cell content. |
SpreadsheetVerticalAlignment | Lists the values used to specify vertical alignment of data within a cell. |
TableStyleElementType | Lists table and pivot table style elements. |
ThemePreset | Lists predefined document themes for a workbook. |
Top10Type | Lists criteria types used in the top ten filter. |
TotalRowFunction | Lists functions to calculate the totals of table columns. |
UnderlineType | Lists underline styles. |
UpdateLinksMode | Specifies how to update external links to other workbooks when a document is opened. |
WorkbookCalculationMode | Lists values used to specify when data should be recalculated in a non-visual Workbook or the Spreadsheet control. |
WorksheetPageNumberingStartType | Lists possible options for the starting number used in pagination when printing worksheets in a workbook. |
WorksheetProtectionPermissions | Lists end-user actions allowed for the protected worksheet. |
WorksheetViewType | Lists view types that can be used to display worksheets. |
WorksheetVisibilityType | Contains the values that specify worksheet visibility. |
WorksheetZoomMode | Lists values used to specify a zoom mode for a worksheet. |