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DevExpress.Pdf Namespace

Contains classes and enumerations that are used to implement the main functionality of WinForms and WPF PDF Viewers, and the PDF Document API.

Assemblies: DevExpress.Docs.v24.1.dll, DevExpress.Pdf.v24.1.Core.dll, DevExpress.Pdf.v24.1.Drawing.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Document.Processor, DevExpress.Pdf.Core, DevExpress.Pdf.Drawing


Name Description
ExternalSignerInfo Contains information about the signature contents.
PdfAcroFormBorderAppearance Provides appearance settings used to paint the border of an interactive form field.
PdfAcroFormCheckBoxField Represents a check box field.
PdfAcroFormChoiceField Represents the base class for combo box and list box fields.
PdfAcroFormComboBoxField Represents a combo box field.
PdfAcroFormCommonVisualField Represents the base class for common field types such as text box, check box, list box, combo box, and signature.
PdfAcroFormFacade Exposes a set of methods used to organize AcroForm fields without access to their inner structure.
PdfAcroFormField Represents the base class for all interactive form fields.
PdfAcroFormFieldAppearance Provides appearance settings used to paint an interactive form field.
PdfAcroFormGroupField Represents a group field.
PdfAcroFormListBoxField Represents a list box field.
PdfAcroFormRadioGroupField Represents a radio group field.
PdfAcroFormSignatureField Represents a signature field.
PdfAcroFormTextBoxField A text box form field.
PdfAcroFormValueFormat Allows you to specify format for form field values.
PdfAcroFormVisualField Represents the base class for visual form fields.
PdfAction An action that is performed with interactive elements (e.g., bookmarks, annotations) in the PDF document.
PdfAnnotation Represents an annotation that is used for adding text notes and other ancillary information to the document.
PdfAnnotationActions Represents actions that can be performed with the annotation in the document.
PdfAnnotationAppearance Determines a form with the annotation appearance.
PdfAnnotationAppearances Represents annotation appearances on the PDF form.
PdfAnnotationBorder Represents the annotation’s border settings.
PdfAnnotationBorderStyle Contains style settings of the annotation’s border.
PdfAnnotationData Base class for document annotations.
PdfAnnotationFacade Exposes members used to organize annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfBookmark Contains settings that are used to specify bookmarks in a document.
PdfButtonFormField A button field (a push button, radio group, check box) on a PDF interactive form that the user can manipulate with the mouse.
PdfButtonFormFieldFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage button form fields without access to their inner structure.
PdfButtonWidgetFacade Contains properties used to change the button field’s widget annotation without access to its inner structure.
PdfButtonWidgetIconOptions Contains properties that define how to display the button’s icon in the widget annotation.
PdfCaretAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage caret annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfCharacter An individual character in a document.
PdfCharacterMapping Stores a CMap table that maps character codes to Unicode values.
PdfCheckBoxFormFieldFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage check box form fields without access to their inner structure.
PdfCheckBoxWidgetFacade Contains properties used to change the check box field’s widget annotation without access to its inner structure.
PdfChoiceFormField Represents a choice field (a combo box, list box) on a PDF form.
PdfChoiceFormFieldFacade<T> Contains properties that apply to list box an combo box form fields.
PdfCircleAnnotationFacade Exposes members used to organize circle annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfClearContentOptions Contains options that specify what content type to keep in the page area that is to be cleared.
PdfClearContentRegions A collection of page regions to clear.
PdfColor Represents a color used in the PDF document.
PdfColorSpace Represents a PDF color space.
PdfComboBoxFormFieldFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage combo box form fields without access to their inner structure.
PdfComboBoxWidgetFacade Contains properties used to change the combo box field’s widget annotation without access to its inner structure.
PdfCommand Represents a command.
PdfCommandList Represents a list of PdfCommand objects.
PdfCommentFilter Contains filters that can be applied to annotations.
PdfConversionIssue Contains information about the status of issues encountered during PDF conversion.
PdfConversionReport Contains information a PDF file conversion process.
PdfCreationOptions Represents document creation options.
PdfDeferredSignatureBuilder Allows you to build a signature for a document hash.
PdfDeferredSigner Allows you to sign the document hash.
PdfDestination The base class for destinations – references to a page with specific view parameters.
PdfDocument A document contained in a PDF file.
PdfDocumentActions Represents an action that is performed with a document.
PdfDocumentArea A document area.
PdfDocumentContent Provides information about the PDF content type at a specific client point.
PdfDocumentConverter Converts PDF documents to PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, and PDF/A-3b.
PdfDocumentFacade Exposes a set of methods used to perform various operations on a PDF document without access to its inner structure.
PdfDocumentPosition Represents a point in the page coordinates of the PDF document.
PdfDocumentProcessor A non-visual component that allows you to generate PDF files from scratch and manipulate existing documents.
PdfDocumentProcessorHelper This class supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
PdfDocumentSigner A helper class used to apply signatures to PDF documents.
PdfEncryptionOptions Contains settings to protect a PDF document with a password and user permissions.
PdfFileAttachment A file attached to a PDF document.
PdfFileAttachmentAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage file attachment annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfFileAttachmentAnnotationIconName static Contains names of built-in file attachment annotation icons.
PdfFileSpecification Represents the file specification that gives the name of the target file in a standard format, and can also contain information related to one or more specific file systems.
PdfFilter Represents an image filter.
PdfFitBBoxDestination A destination that displays a page’s bounding box that fits the document window.
PdfFitBBoxHorizontallyDestination A destination that positions a specific Y coordinate at the top left corner of the document window, and zooms a page’s bounding box so that it fits the window horizontally.
PdfFitBBoxVerticallyDestination A destination that positions a specific X coordinate at the top left corner of the document window, and zooms a page’s bounding box so that it fits the window vertically.
PdfFitDestination A destination that displays a page that fits the document window.
PdfFitHorizontallyDestination A destination that positions a specific Y coordinate at the top left corner of the document window, and zooms a page so that it fits the window horizontally.
PdfFitRectangleDestination A destination that displays a specific page rectangle in the document window.
PdfFitVerticallyDestination A destination that positions a specific X coordinate at the top left corner of the document window, and zooms a page so that it fits the window vertically.
PdfFont A font assigned to a document text.
PdfFontDescriptor Provides the PDF font options.
PdfForm Represents a PDF document form.
PdfFormData Contains data values stored in the PDF Form.
PdfFormFieldFacade Base class for all form field facades.
PdfFormFieldFacade<TWidget, TField> A generic form field facade class that allows you to retrieve the annotation widget properties.
PdfFormFieldItem Represents an interactive form field item.
PdfFreeTextAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage free text annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfGoToAction An action that changes the view to a specified destination (page, location, and magnification factor).
PdfGraphics Allows you to draw graphics content on a PDF page.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormBorderAppearance Contains border appearance settings of an interactive form field.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormCheckBoxField A check box field in PDF Graphics API.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormChoiceField A base class for combo box and list box fields in PDF Graphics API.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormComboBoxField A combo box field in PDF Graphics API.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormCommonField A base class for common form field types (text box, check box, list box, combo box, and signature) in PDF Graphics API.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormField A base class for all interactive form fields in PDF Graphics API.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormFieldAppearance Contains appearance settings of an interactive form field.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormListBoxField A list box field in PDF Graphics API.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormRadioGroupField A radio group field in PDF Graphics API.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormSignatureField A signature form field in PDF Graphics API.
PdfGraphicsAcroFormTextBoxField A text box field in PDF Graphics API.
PdfIconFit Contains properties that define how to display the button’s icon within the annotation rectangle of its widget annotation.
PdfImage Represents an image in the PDF document.
PdfInkAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage ink annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfInteractiveForm An interactive form (AcroForm) that represents a collection of fields for gathering information interactively from the user.
PdfInteractiveFormField Represents interactive form field data (e.g., text boxes, radio buttons, combo boxes) in a document.
PdfInteractiveFormFieldActions Represents an action that is performed with the interactive form fields.
PdfJavaScriptAction Represents a JavaScript action that executes a script that is written in the JavaScript programming language.
PdfJumpAction Serves as the base for classes that allow jumping to a destination in the current document (PdfGoToAction) or a destination in another PDF file (PdfRemoteGoToAction).
PdfLineAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage line annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfLineStyle Provides the style settings used to paint the lines in a document.
PdfLinkAnnotation Represents the link annotation (a hypertext link to a destination) in a document.
PdfLinkAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage link annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfListBoxFormFieldFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage list box form fields without access to their inner structure.
PdfListBoxWidgetFacade Contains properties used to change the list box field’s widget annotation without access to its inner structure.
PdfMarkupAnnotation Represents a markup annotation that is used to mark up PDF documents.
PdfMarkupAnnotationComment Represents a comment added to an annotation.
PdfMarkupAnnotationData Represents markup annotations.
PdfMarkupAnnotationDataExtensions static Contains extension methods for the PdfMarkupAnnotationData class.
PdfMarkupAnnotationFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage markup annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfMarkupAnnotationReview Represents the review added to an annotation or comment.
PdfMetadata Represents global information about the document such as the document’s title, author, and creation and modification dates.
PdfNamedAction Represents a named action.
PdfNames Stores names of various PDF entities.
PdfOptionalContent Represents content in a PDF document that can be selectively viewed or hidden.
PdfOptionalContentConfiguration Represents different presentations of a document’s optional content groups.
PdfOptionalContentGroup Represents the optional content group that is used to control the visibility of graphic objects.
PdfOptionalContentGroupVisibility Contains visibility settings of a content group (layer).
PdfOptionalContentGroupVisibilityCollection A collection of PdfOptionalContentGroupVisibility objects.
PdfOptionalContentOrder Represents the order for presentation of optional content groups.
PdfOptionalContentProperties Contains a list of all the optional content groups in the document, as well as information about the default and alternate configurations for optional content.
PdfOptionalContentRadioButtonGroup Represents a collection of optional content groups whose states are intended to follow a radio button paradigm.
PdfOptionalContentUsage Represents an optional content group’s usage that contains information describing the nature of the content controlled by the group.
PdfOptionalContentUsageApplication Represents the optional content usage application.
PdfOptionalContentVisibility Provides access to visibility settings of optional content (layers).
PdfOptionsFormFieldOption Represents the list of options in the choice field, each of which shall be represented by a text string that shall be displayed on the screen.
PdfOrientedRectangle A rectangle that delimits a page area around a specific document element.
PdfOutline Represents a document outline that allows the user to navigate interactively from one part of the document to another.
PdfOutlineItem Represents an outline item in the tree-structured hierarchy of outlines.
PdfOutlines Represents the root of a document’s outline hierarchy.
PdfPage An individual page in a document.
PdfPageFacade Exposes members used to perform various operations on a PDF page without access to its inner structure.
PdfPageInfo Contains information about a page of a document opened in PDF Viewer.
PdfPageRenderingParameters Contains rendering parameters used to export a PDF page to a Bitmap image.
PdfPageTreeObject Provides settings that define page boundaries for specific content types.
PdfPageWord An individual word related to a specific PDF page.
PdfPaperSize static Contains the standard paper sizes.
PdfPasswordRequestedEventArgs Provides the security password to open a protected PDF file in the PDF Viewer and PDF Document Processor.
PdfPathAnnotationFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage path (line, polygon and polyline) annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfPattern Represents a color pattern.
PdfPkcs7Signature Contains information about the PKCS#7 signature and methods used to verify it.
PdfPolygonAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage polygon annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfPolyLineAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage polyline annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfPopupAnnotation Represents a pop-up annotation that displays text in a pop-up window for editing the annotation text.
PdfPrinterSettings Provides the additional printer settings to a PDF Viewer.
PdfPrintPageEventArgs Provides data for the PdfViewer.PrintPage and PdfDocumentProcessor.PrintPage events.
PdfPrintPageRange A range of pages to print.
PdfQuadrilateral Represents a quadrilateral that comprises the annotation.
PdfQueryPageSettingsEventArgs Provides data for the PdfViewer.QueryPageSettings and PdfDocumentProcessor.QueryPageSettings events.
PdfRadioButtonWidgetFacade Contains properties used to change the radio button field’s widget annotation without access to its inner structure.
PdfRadioGroupFormFieldFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage radio group form fields without access to their inner structure.
PdfRange Represents a range of colors.
PdfRectangle A rectangle used to describe locations on a page and bounding boxes for various PDF objects.
PdfRemoteGoToAction An action that jumps to a destination in another PDF file instead of the current file.
PdfRenderingSettings static Provides PDF rendering settings to optimize JPEG image decoding.
PdfResetFormAction An action that resets selected interactive form fields to their default values.
PdfRGBColor Represents the red, green, and blue color components in the range of 0 to 1.
PdfRubberStampAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage rubber stamp annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfRubberStampAnnotationIconName static Contains names of built-in rubber stamp annotation icons.
PdfShapeAnnotationFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage shape (circle and square) annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfSignature An electronic signature used to sign a PDF file.
PdfSignatureAppearance Contains signature appearance options.
PdfSignatureBuilder Allows you to build a signature.
PdfSignatureFieldInfo Contains information about the signature field.
PdfSignatureFontSettings Contains font settings for a signature.
PdfSignatureFormFieldFacade Exposes a set of properties used to modify signature form fields without access to their inner structure.
PdfSignatureInfo Contains signature information.
PdfSignatureWidgetFacade Contains properties used to change the signature field’s widget annotation properties without access to its inner structure.
PdfSound A sound associated with a sound annotation.
PdfSoundAnnotation A sound annotations – a note that contains a sound recorded or imported form a file.
PdfSoundAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage sound annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfSoundAnnotationIconName static Contains names of built-in sound annotation icons.
PdfSquareAnnotationFacade Exposes members used to organize square annotations without access to their inner structure.
PdfStringFormat Contains settings to format strings in a document.
PdfTextAnnotation Represents a text annotation (a “sticky note” attached to a point in a document).
PdfTextAnnotationData Represents a text annotation.
PdfTextAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage text annotations (sticky notes) without access to their inner structure.
PdfTextAnnotationIconName static Contains names of built-in annotation icons.
PdfTextExtractionOptions Contains text extraction options.
PdfTextFormField Represents a text field on a PDF form.
PdfTextFormFieldFacade Contains a set of properties used to manage text form fields without without access to their inner structure.
PdfTextMarkupAnnotation Represents a text markup annotation.
PdfTextMarkupAnnotationData Represents a text markup annotation.
PdfTextMarkupAnnotationFacade Contains members used to manage text markup annotations (text highlights) without access to their inner structure.
PdfTextSearchParameters Specifies the options applied to a text search.
PdfTextSearchResults Provides the information related to a PDF text search result.
PdfTextWidgetFacade Contains properties used to change the text field’s widget annotation without access to its inner structure.
PdfTimeStamp Allows you to generate document-level timestamps.
PdfUriAction Represents a URI (uniform resource identifier) action associated with the annotation.
PdfViewerAnnotationBuilderExtensions static Defines extension methods for the IPdfViewerAnnotationBuilder interface.
PdfViewerAnnotationExtensions static Defines extension methods for the IPdfViewerAnnotation interface.
PdfViewerBookmark A bookmark in the PDF Viewer.
PdfViewerBookmarkExtensions static Contains extension methods for bookmarks in the PDF Viewer.
PdfViewerExtensions static Defines extension methods that are used to extend the functionality of the WinForms PDF Viewer and WPF PDF Viewer.
PdfViewerPreferences Contains options that specify how to display a document on the screen.
PdfWidgetAnnotation Represents the widget annotation for the interactive forms in a document.
PdfWidgetAppearanceCharacteristics Contains appearance characteristics for constructing the annotation’s appearance.
PdfWidgetFacade Contains basic widget annotation properties.
PdfWord An individual word in a document.
PdfWordSegment Represents a word segment in a document.
PdfXFAForm Represents an interactive form based on the Adobe XML Forms Architecture (XFA).
PdfXObject Represents a form XObject in a PDF document content.
PdfXYZDestination A destination that positions a specific coordinate at the top left corner of the document window, and zooms a page with the specified zoom factor.
Pkcs7Signer Allows you to create PKCS#7 signatures.
Pkcs7SignerBase A base class used to create PKCS#7 signatures.


Name Description
IExternalSigner Exposes the basic functionality to generate signatures.
IPdfViewer For internal use. Provides the functionality of PdfViewer and PdfViewerControl classes.
IPdfViewerAnnotation Implements options used to obtain information common for annotation types.
IPdfViewerAnnotationBase Implements options used to obtain information common for annotation types.
IPdfViewerAnnotationBuilder Implements options used to build all annotation types.
IPdfViewerMarkupAnnotation Implements properties used to return information about markup annotations.
IPdfViewerMarkupAnnotationBuilder Implements properties used to build markup annotations.
IPdfViewerTextAnnotation Contains properties used to return information about text annotations.
IPdfViewerTextAnnotationBuilder Contains options used to build text annotations.
IPdfViewerTextMarkupAnnotation Contains properties used to return information about text markup annotations.
IPdfViewerTextMarkupAnnotationBuilder Implements options used to build text markup annotations.


Name Description
PdfAcroFormFieldNameCollision Represents a structure which stores information about a collision found in interactive form field names.
PdfPoint Specifies the coordinates of a PDF point.
PdfSaveOptions A class that provides document encryption options and document signature to save the document.


Name Description
PdfPasswordRequestedEventHandler This event handler is used to programmatically provide a document opening password in a PDF Viewer and PDF Document Processor to open a document without end-user interaction.
PdfPrintPageEventHandler A method that will handle the PdfViewer.PrintPage and PdfDocumentProcessor.PrintPage events.
PdfQueryPageSettingsEventHandler A method that will handle the PdfDocumentProcessor.QueryPageSettings and PdfViewer.QueryPageSettings events.


Name Description
PdfACompatibility Lists values that specify the PDF/A version of a document.
PdfAcroFormBorderStyle Specifies the border style for an interactive form field.
PdfAcroFormButtonStyle Lists values used to specify the appearance of the form field’s marker.
PdfAcroFormCurrencyStyle Lists values used to specify currency style.
PdfAcroFormFieldRotation Specifies a form field’s rotation degree.
PdfAcroFormNegativeNumberStyle Lists values used to specify negative number format.
PdfAcroFormNumberSeparatorStyle Lists values used to specify the separator format.
PdfAcroFormSpecialFormatType Lists values used to specify special value format types.
PdfAcroFormStringAlignment Specifies text alignment in an interactive form field.
PdfAcroFormTextFieldType Lists values used to specify a text form field’s input format.
PdfAnnotationBorderEffectStyle Lists values that specify the effect applied to the annotation border.
PdfAnnotationFlags Lists the values specifying various characteristics of the annotation, signature form field, or widget annotation.
PdfAnnotationHighlightingMode Lists values that specify the visual effect activated when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside the annotation’s active area.
PdfAnnotationLineEndingStyle Lists values used to specify the style of the annotation’s end points.
PdfAnnotationReviewStatus Lists values used to specify the annotation’s review status.
PdfAnnotationType Lists values used to indicate the annotation type.
PdfAssociatedFileRelationship Lists the values used to specify the type of relationship between the document and the attached file.
PdfBorderStyle Lists values used to specify the annotation’s and widget annotation’s border style.
PdfCertificationLevel Lists values used to specify permissions granted by a signature.
PdfCommentSortMode Lists values used to specify the annotation’s sort mode in the Comments pane.
PdfCompatibility Lists the values specifying the compatibility mode of a document.
PdfContentHorizontalAlignment Lists values used to specify the horizontal alignment of the PDF page content.
PdfContentVerticalAlignment Lists values used to specify the vertical alignment of the PDF page content.
PdfConversionIssueSeverity Lists values that specify the status of issues encountered during conversion.
PdfConversionStatus Lists values that specify the conversion status of the resulting PDF document.
PdfDirection Lists values that specify the content direction in the PDF document.
PdfDocumentContentType Lists the values indicating the type of the PDF content corresponding to a specific document point.
PdfDocumentDataExtractionPermissions Lists the values specifying permissions that are used to restrict or allow access to data extraction operations.
PdfDocumentInteractivityPermissions Lists the values specifying permissions that are used to restrict or allow access to document interaction operations.
PdfDocumentModificationPermissions Lists the values specifying permissions that are used to restrict or allow access to document modification operations.
PdfDocumentPrintingPermissions Lists the values specifying permissions that are used to restrict or allow access to document printing operations.
PdfEncryptionAlgorithm Lists the available algorithms to encrypt a document.
PdfFilterAnnotationType Lists values that indicate the annotation type used in the filter.
PdfFontFlags Lists the values that correspond to flags defining various characteristics of the font.
PdfFontStretch Lists the font stretch values.
PdfFontStyle Lists the form field’s font styles.
PdfFormDataFormat Lists formats allowed for PDF Form data values.
PdfFormFieldType Lists values used to specify the interactive from field type.
PdfFreeTextAnnotationIntent Specifies the intent of free text annotations.
PdfGraphicsJpegImageQuality Specifies how images are exported to PDF format.
PdfGraphicsTextOrigin Contains values that specify how to interpret a PointF object passed to the PdfGraphics.DrawString methods as a parameter.
PdfHotkeyPrefix Specifies the type of display for hot-key prefixes that relate to text.
PdfIconScalingCircumstances Lists conditions under which the icon is scaled inside the annotation rectangle.
PdfIconScalingType Lists the type of icon scaling in the widget annotation rectangle.
PdfInteractiveFormFieldFlags Represents flags specifying various document-level characteristics related to interactive form fields.
PdfMarkupAnnotationReplyType List values that specify the relationship (the “reply type”) between one annotation and another.
PdfNonFullScreenPageMode Lists values that specify how the document page is displayed in windowed mode.
PdfOptionalContentIntent Lists names that are used to determine which optional content group states to consider and which to ignore in calculating the visibility of content.
PdfOptionalContentOrderListMode Lists values that specify which optional content groups in the PdfOptionalContentConfiguration.Order property will be displayed to the user.
PdfOptionalContentState Lists the states of all the optional content groups in a document when the optional content configuration is applied.
PdfOptionalContentUsageCategories Lists values that specify usage categories that are used to automatically control the state of layers (optional content groups).
PdfPageLayout Lists the values that define how the page is positioned in the PDF Viewer.
PdfPageMode Lists values that specify how to display the opened document.
PdfPrintMode Lists values that specify the document print mode.
PdfPrintPageOrientation Lists the available document orientation modes.
PdfPrintScaleMode Lists the available document scale modes.
PdfPrintScaling Lists values that specify the scaling mode for printed documents.
PdfRenderingEngine Lists values used to specify the rendering engine.
PdfRenderingIntent Lists rendering intents that determine how a color management system handles color conversion from one color space to another.
PdfSignatureAppearanceType Lists values that specify the type of graphic displayed on the left side of the signature.
PdfSignatureFlags Lists values that specify various document-level characteristics related to signature fields.
PdfSignatureProfile Lists values used to specify the signature profile type.
PdfSignatureType Lists values used to specify the signature type.
PdfSoundEncoding Lists the encoding formats of sample data associated with the sound annotation.
PdfStringAlignment Specifies the alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle.
PdfStringFormatFlags Specifies the display and layout information for text strings.
PdfStringTrimming Specifies how to trim characters from a string that does not completely fit into a layout shape.
PdfTextFieldInputType Lists values used to specify the text form field’s input format.
PdfTextJustification Lists the form of justification that is used in laying out the overlay text.
PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType Specifies the type of a text markup annotation.
PdfTextSearchDirection Lists the available text search direction modes.
PdfTextSearchStatus Lists the values specifying the status of a PDF text search operation.
PdfUACompatibility Lists values that specify the PDF/UA version of a document.
PdfViewArea Lists values that specify the document area.
PdfWidgetAnnotationTextPosition Lists values that specify the text position of the button widget annotation’s caption relative to its icon.
PdfZugferdConformanceLevel Lists values used to specify a ZUGFeRD attachment’s conformance level.
PdfZugferdVersion Lists values used to specify the ZUGFeRD format version.