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AbstractNumberingList Interface

Serves as a pattern for numbered and bulleted lists to define their appearance.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native

Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.2.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.RichEdit.Core


public interface AbstractNumberingList :


You cannot use the AbstractNumberingList objects directly to apply numbering to paragraphs. The NumberingList instance is an actual list representation. Use the AbstractNumberingListCollection.Add method to create a list pattern. Use the NumberingListCollection.Add method with the index of the abstract numbering list as a parameter to create an actual list that can be applied to paragraphs.

The following code snippets illustrate how to create bulleted and numbered list.

#Example: Create a Bulleted List

View Example

Document document = server.Document;

// Create a new list pattern object
AbstractNumberingList list = document.AbstractNumberingLists.Add();

//Specify the list's type
list.NumberingType = NumberingType.Bullet;
ListLevel level = list.Levels[0];

//Set the left indent of the list
level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 100;

//Specify the bullets' format
//Without this step, the list is considered as numbered
level.DisplayFormatString = "\u00B7";
level.CharacterProperties.FontName = "Symbol";

//Create a new list based on the specific pattern
NumberingList bulletedList = document.NumberingLists.Add(0);

// Add paragraphs to the list
ParagraphCollection paragraphs = document.Paragraphs;
paragraphs.AddParagraphsToList(document.Range, bulletedList, 0);


#Example: Create a Numbered List

View Example

Document document = server.Document;


//Create a new pattern object
AbstractNumberingList abstractListNumberingRoman = document.AbstractNumberingLists.Add();

//Specify the list's type
abstractListNumberingRoman.NumberingType = NumberingType.Simple;

//Define the first level's properties
ListLevel level = abstractListNumberingRoman.Levels[0];
level.ParagraphProperties.LeftIndent = 150;

// Align list with the surrounding text
level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndentType = ParagraphFirstLineIndent.Hanging;
level.ParagraphProperties.FirstLineIndent = 75;
level.Start = 1;

//Specify the roman format
level.NumberingFormat = NumberingFormat.LowerRoman;
level.DisplayFormatString = "{0}.";

//Create a new list based on the specific pattern
NumberingList numberingList = document.NumberingLists.Add(0);


ParagraphCollection paragraphs = document.Paragraphs;
//Add paragraphs to the list
paragraphs.AddParagraphsToList(document.Range, numberingList, 0);
See Also