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DocumentCustomProperties Members

Contains all the custom document properties for the document.


Name Description
Count Returns the number of custom properties in a collection.
Item[String] Gets or sets the value of a custom property.
Names Gets a collection of custom property names.


Name Description
Add(String, Bookmark) Adds a new custom property linked to the specified bookmark and value to the collection of custom properties for the document.
Add(String, Boolean) Adds a new custom property with the specified name and value to the collection of custom properties for the document.
Add(String, DateTime) Adds a new custom property with the specified name and value to the collection of custom properties for the document.
Add(String, Double) Adds a new custom property with the specified name and value to the collection of custom properties for the document.
Add(String, Int32) Adds a new custom property with the specified name and value to the collection of custom properties for the document.
Add(String, String) Adds a new custom property with the specified name and value to the collection of custom properties for the document.
Clear() Removes all items from the collection.
Remove(String) Removes a custom property with the specified name from the current document.
See Also