XYDiagram3D Properties
Represents a diagram that is used to plot all 3D series except for the Pie 3D type.Name | Description |
Axis |
This property is hidden, and it is intended for serialization purposes only. Inherited from Diagram. |
Axis |
Gets the X-axis. |
Axis |
Gets the Y-axis. |
Back |
Gets or sets the 3D diagram’s background color. |
Back |
Gets the background image settings. |
Fill |
Gets the diagram’s background fill style. |
Hidden |
Obsolete. Gets or sets an object used to support serialization in a Diagram. Inherited from Diagram. |
Horizontal |
Gets or sets the amount by which to scroll a diagram horizontally. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Labels |
This property is hidden, and it is intended for serialization purposes only. Inherited from Diagram. |
Perspective |
Gets or sets the perspective angle for a 3D diagram in a perspective projection (when Diagram3D. |
Perspective |
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the perspective is enabled. The perspective view is characterized by Diagram3D. |
Plane |
Gets or sets the depth (thickness) of coordinate planes. The units of measurement are specific diagram pixels. |
Rotation |
Gets or sets the value (in degrees) at which the diagram should be rotated around the X-axis. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Rotation |
Gets or sets the value (in degrees) at which the diagram should be rotated around the Y-axis. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Rotation |
Gets or sets the value (in degrees) at which the diagram should be rotated around the Z-axis. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Rotation |
Gets or sets a matrix used to rotate a diagram around X, Y and Z axes. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Rotation |
Gets or sets the string value used to support serialization of the Diagram3D. |
Rotation |
Provides access to the options specifying the ways in which rotation can be performed for 3D Diagrams. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Rotation |
Gets or sets a value which determines the order of rotation around the X, Y and Z axes. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Rotation |
Gets or sets the rotation type, that determines whether the chart is rotated by specified angle values or it conforms to mouse movements. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Runtime |
Gets or sets a value indicating if the 3D diagram can be rotated by end-users at runtime via the mouse pointer or using rotation gestures (if the device supports touchscreen). Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Runtime |
Gets or sets a value indicating if the 3D Chart’s diagram can be scrolled by end-users at runtime. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Runtime |
Gets or sets a value indicating if the 3D Chart’s diagram can be zoomed in and out at runtime. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Scrolling |
Provides access to the options specifying the ways in which scrolling can be performed for a 3D XY-Diagram. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Series |
Specifies the distance between Manhattan Bar series, as a fraction of axis units. |
Series |
Specifies the distance between Manhattan Bar series, in pixels. |
Series |
Gets or sets the distance between series and argument coordinate planes (front and back). The units of measurement are specific diagram pixels. |
Tag |
Gets or sets the object that contains data related to the chart element.
Inherited from Chart |
Type |
Gets the string value used to support serialization of the diagram type. Inherited from Diagram. |
Vertical |
Gets or sets the amount by which to scroll vertically. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Zooming |
Provides access to the options specifying the ways in which zooming can be performed for a 3D XY-Diagram. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
Zoom |
Gets or sets the magnification amount applied to the chart, as a percentage. Inherited from Diagram3D. |
See Also