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MassIndex Members

A Mass Index indicator.


Name Description
MassIndex() Initializes a new instance of the MassIndex class with the default settings.
MassIndex(String) Initializes a new instance of the MassIndex class with the specified name.

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Name Description
Animation Gets or sets an animation of the indicator. Inherited from Indicator.
AxisY Gets or sets the Y-axis that is used to plot the current indicator on a XYDiagram. Inherited from SeparatePaneIndicator.
AxisYName For internal use only. Specifies the Y-axis name. Inherited from SeparatePaneIndicator.
CheckableInLegend Specifies a value which determines whether to show a legend check box instead of a legend marker for a financial indicator. Inherited from Indicator.
CheckedInLegend Gets or sets a value that determines whether a legend check box is checked for a financial indicator. Inherited from Indicator.
Color Specifies the indicator‘s color. Inherited from Indicator.
CrosshairContentShowMode Gets or sets the element that displays the indicator’s Crosshair content. Inherited from Indicator.
CrosshairEmptyValueLegendText Gets or sets the text that is displayed by the Crosshair when it has no values to be displayed. Inherited from Indicator.
CrosshairEnabled Gets or sets the value that specifies whether to enable the Crosshair Cursor for the indicator. Inherited from Indicator.
CrosshairLabelPattern Gets or sets the pattern to format the text that the Crosshair Cursor shows for the specified indicator’s point. Inherited from Indicator.
CrosshairLabelVisibility Gets or sets the value that specifies whether to show a crosshair label for the indicator. Inherited from Indicator.
CrosshairTextOptions Returns the indicator Crosshair label item’s text options. Inherited from Indicator.
IndicatorID Inherited from Indicator.
IndicatorName Returns the localized name of the indicator type.
Legend Gets or sets a legend displaying an indicator legend item. Inherited from Indicator.
LegendName For internal use. Supports serialization of the SeriesBase.Legend property. Inherited from Indicator.
LegendText Gets or set the text that identifies an indicator within the chart legend. Inherited from Indicator.
LineStyle Specifies the indicator‘s line style settings. Inherited from Indicator.
MovingAveragePointsCount Gets or sets the count of points used to calculate the exponential moving average (EMA).
Name Gets or sets the name of the indicator. Inherited from Indicator.
Pane Gets or sets the pane, used to plot the separate pane indicator on an XYDiagram. Inherited from SeparatePaneIndicator.
PaneName For internal use. Specifies the name of the diagram’s pane. Inherited from SeparatePaneIndicator.
ShowInLegend Specifies whether the indicator is represented in the chart’s legend. Inherited from Indicator.
SumPointsCount Gets or sets the count of summable values.
Tag Gets or sets the object that contains data related to the chart element. Inherited from ChartElement.
TypeNameSerializable Gets the string value used to support serialization of the indicator. Inherited from Indicator.
View Gets the view type of the series to which the indicator belongs. Inherited from Indicator.
Visible Specifies whether the indicator is visible. Inherited from Indicator.

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Name Description
Assign(ChartElement) Copies all the elements from the MassIndex object passed as the parameter.
Clone() Creates a copy of the current ChartElement object. Inherited from ChartElement.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns the textual representation of the named chart element. Inherited from ChartElementNamed.
See Also