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ChartImageUtils.GetViewImage Method

Name Parameters Description
GetViewImage(SeriesViewBase, ISvgPaletteProvider, Size) static view, provider, imageSize Returns an image of the given size that depicts the series view with the specified palette.
GetViewImage(SeriesViewBase, ISvgPaletteProvider) static view, provider Returns an image that depicts the series view with the specified palette.
GetViewImage(SeriesViewBase, Size) static view, imageSize Returns an image of the given size that depicts the series view.
GetViewImage(SeriesViewBase) static view Returns an image that depicts the series view.
GetViewImage(ViewType, ISvgPaletteProvider, Size) static viewType, provider, imageSize Returns an image of the given size that depicts the series view with the specified palette.
GetViewImage(ViewType, ISvgPaletteProvider) static viewType, provider Returns an image that depicts the series view with the specified palette.
GetViewImage(ViewType, Size) static viewType, imageSize Returns an image of the given size that depicts the specified series view.
GetViewImage(ViewType) static viewType Returns an image that depicts the series view.