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Breadcrumbs Properties
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Stores the Breadcrumb element’s settings.
Name Description
BackColor Gets or sets the Breadcrumbs element’s background color.
Border Gets the chart control’s border settings.
DXFont Gets or sets the font that Breadcrumb Items and Breadcrumb Home Item use to display their text.
Font Gets or sets the font that Breadcrumb Items and Breadcrumb Home Item use to display their text.
ForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color that Breadcrumb Items and Breadcrumb Home Item use in the default state to display their text.
HomeText Gets or sets the text that the Breadcrumb Home Item displays instead of an icon.
HoverForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color that Breadcrumb Items and Breadcrumb Home Item use in the hover state to display their text.
InactiveForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color that Breadcrumb Items and Breadcrumb Home Item use in the inactive state to display their text.
Margins Specifies the indent between the Breadcrumbs element’s edge and other chart elements (e.g. diagram, title), in pixels.
Padding Specifies the inner space between the Breadcrumb element’s content and its edge, in pixels.
Tag Gets or sets the object that contains data related to the chart element. Inherited from ChartElement.
Visibility Gets or sets the value that specifies whether to show the Breadcrumbs element in the Chart.
See Also