RepositoryItemZoomTrackBar Properties
Represents the class which stores settings specific to the ZoomTrackBarControl control.Name | Description |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription | Gets or sets the default action description of the repository item for use by accessibility client applications. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AccessibleDescription | Gets or sets the object’s description used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AccessibleName | Gets or sets the object’s name used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AccessibleRole | Gets or sets the object’s accessible role. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
Alignment | Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the control when the auto-size feature is disabled. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
AllowFocused | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the focus rectangle is displayed within the editor when it has focus. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AllowFocusedAppearance | Gets a value which indicates whether the appearance settings used to paint the editor when it’s focused can be used. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AllowHtmlDraw | Gets or sets whether HTML tags can be used to format an editor’s text or text of the editor’s items. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AllowInplaceAutoFilter | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AllowInplaceBorderPainter | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AllowKeyboardNavigation | This member supports the internal infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. |
AllowMouseWheel | Gets or sets whether value scrolling via the Mouse Wheel is supported by the editor. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
AllowUseMiddleValue | Gets or sets if the RepositoryItemZoomTrackBar.Middle property is in effect. |
Appearance | Gets appearance settings used to paint the editor when it is enabled. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AppearanceDisabled | Gets appearance settings used to paint the editor when it is disabled. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AppearanceFocused | Gets appearance settings used to paint the current editor when it is focused. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AppearanceReadOnly | Gets appearance settings used to paint the read-only editor. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
AutoHeight | Gets or sets a value which specifies whether the editor’s height is automatically calculated to fit its content. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
AutoSize | Gets or sets whether the track bar’s size is automatically calculated based on its look and feel settings. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
BestFitWidth | Gets or sets the editor’s best fit width. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
BorderStyle | Gets or sets the editor’s border style. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
ContextMenu | Gets or sets the context menu for the editor. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
DefaultAlignment | Gets the default horizontal alignment of the editor’s content. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
DefaultBorderStyleInBars | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
DefaultBorderStyleInGrid | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
DisplayFormat | This property is not supported by the RepositoryItemTrackBar class. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
DistanceFromTickToLabel | Labels are not supported in ZoomTrackBarControls. |
Editable | Gets whether the editor’s value can be changed. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
EditFormat | This property is not supported by the RepositoryItemTrackBar class. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
EditorTypeName | Gets the class name of an editor corresponding to the current repository item. |
EditValueChangedDelay | Gets or sets the time interval between the moment when an end-user stops changing the editor’s value and the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event being raised. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
EditValueChangedFiringDelay static | Gets or sets the default time interval between the moment when an end-user stops changing the editor’s value and the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event being raised. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
EditValueChangedFiringMode | Gets or sets the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event’s firing mode. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
Enabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the edit control can respond to user actions. This property is supported for standalone editors. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
ExportMode | Specifies whether the editor’s value or display text is exported when data is exported to XLS and CSV formats. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
HighlightSelectedRange | Gets or sets whether the selected range is highlighted. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
HtmlImages | Gets or sets a collection of images that can be embedded in the editor’s display text or the display text of the editor’s items, using the image tag. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
InvertLayout | Gets or sets whether this track bar should be reversed. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
IsDesignMode | Indicates whether the editor is currently in design mode. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
IsDisposed | Gets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
IsEditValueChangedEventPending | Gets whether the EditValueChanged event is postponed. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
IsFilterLookUp | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
IsLoading | Indicates whether the editor is being loaded. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
IsLockUpdate | Gets a value indicating whether the editor is immediately updated in response to changing its settings. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
IsNonSortableEditor | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
LabelAppearance | Labels are not supported in ZoomTrackBarControls. |
Labels | Labels are not supported in ZoomTrackBarControls. |
LargeChange | Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the current value when you use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys and the TrackBarControl.MoveLargeLeft orTrackBarControl.MoveLargeRight methods. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
LinkCount | Gets the number of objects connected to the current repository item. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
LookAndFeel | Provides access to the stand-alone editor’s look and feel settings. These settings are not in effect for the editor in a bar, ribbon, grid, etc. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
Maximum | |
Middle | Gets or sets the ZoomTrackBarControl value set to the middle tick. |
Minimum | |
Name | Gets or sets the repository item name. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
NormalizeDisplayText static | Set the NormalizeDisplayText property to true to correctly process diacritics when selecting rows from a dropdown window in the LookUpEdit control. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
NullText | This property is not supported by the RepositoryItemTrackBar class. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
Orientation | Gets or sets a value that specifies the orientation of the track bar. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
OwnerItem | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
PopupOffset | Gets or sets the popup window’s location. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
Properties | Obsolete. Gets an object providing properties specific to all editors that can be used inplace within a container control. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
ReadOnly | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the editor’s value can be changed by end-users. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
RequireDisplayTextSorting | This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
ScrollThumbStyle | Gets or sets the paint style of the control’s scroll thumb. |
ShowLabels | Labels are not supported in ZoomTrackBarControls. |
ShowLabelsForHiddenTicks | Labels are not supported in ZoomTrackBarControls. |
ShowValueToolTip | Gets or sets whether the track bar shows the current value in a tooltip when a user moves a thumb. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
Site | Gets or sets a ISite for the object. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
SmallChange | Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the current value when you use the ARROW keys, mouse wheel and TrackBarControl.MoveLeft/TrackBarControl.MoveRight methods. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
SmallChangeUseMode | Gets or sets the way end-users can move this track bar’s thumb backwards or forwards with a specific ‘small change’ value. Inherited from RepositoryItemTrackBar. |
SnapToMiddle | Gets or sets the neighborhood around the middle tick where the thumb, when dragged, automatically snaps to the middle tick value. |
Tag | Gets or sets the data associated with the repository item. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
TickFrequency | This property is not supported by the RepositoryItemZoomTrackBar class. |
TickStyle | This property is not supported by the RepositoryItemZoomTrackBar class. |
UseParentBackground | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
UseTextEditorForAutoFilter | Gets whether to substitute this editor with the single-line text editor in auto-filter rows. Inherited from RepositoryItem. |
See Also