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ToolTipController.DefaultController Property

Gets the default ToolTipController used for displaying tooltips.

Namespace: DevExpress.Utils

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public static ToolTipController DefaultController { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A default ToolTipController object.


Controls implementing the DevExpress.Utils.IToolTipControlClient interface provide the ToolTipController property of the ToolTipController class. When the control’s ToolTipController property is null (Nothing in Visual Basic), control’s tooltips are managed by the static default tooltip controller and this can be accessed via the DefaultController property.

If the control’s ToolTipController property is set to a ToolTipController object, the control’s tooltips are handled by this tooltip controller object instead of the default.

The default tooltip controller enables you to have similar looking hints for your controls. The default tooltip controller, however, can only be customized via code.

If you need some controls’ tooltips to look different or you want to customize the tooltip controller at design time, then you should create a ToolTipController component (by adding it onto the form, for instance), customize its settings and assign it to the ToolTipController properties of the appropriate controls.

The following code snippets (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contain references to the DefaultController property.


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See Also