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Appointment Flyout

  • 2 minutes to read

An Appointment Flyout appears when you hover the mouse pointer over an appointment. A flyout can display the following content:

  • A Microsoft Outlook-style flyout (default layout).
  • A custom HTML-CSS template with any required data.
  • A custom control.


Flyouts have priority over tooltips, so the ToolTipController.BeforeShow event does not fire (the default setting). To display tooltips instead of flyouts, set the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowDisplayAppointmentFlyout option to false and adjust the SchedulerOptionsView.ToolTipVisibility property as needed. Set it to ToolTipVisibility.Always to always show tooltips.

Default Outlook-Style Flyouts

Default flyouts display the following appointment properties as text:

A colored rectangle with a strip on the left side contains the appointment subject’s text (referred to as the Subject rectangle). This rectangle indicates the appointment Label and Status:


Set the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowDisplayAppointmentFlyout property to false to hide appointment flyouts.

If the appointment’s subject text does not fit in the flyout subject box, it is clipped. To display subject lines completely regardless of their length, set the AppointmentFlyoutOptions.SubjectAutoHeight option to true.

You can handle the following events to customize the appointment flyout:

Event Description
SchedulerControl.CustomizeAppointmentFlyout Shows/hides any of the appointment properties displayed in the flyout. You can also display arbitrary text, specify the background color, and set font characteristics.
SchedulerControl.CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject Allows you to manually draw the visual elements that make up the Subject rectangle.

Flyouts with Custom HTML Content

You can display custom HTML content within an appointment flyout in the following ways:

The following events allow you to customize appointment flyouts:

Event Description
SchedulerControl.CustomizeAppointmentFlyoutTemplate Allows you to dynamically customize elements of appointment flyout rendered from HTML-CSS templates.
SchedulerControl.CustomAppointmentFlyoutTemplateValue Allows you to pass values to elements bound to an appointment flyout’s data fields.

Custom Flyouts

To display a custom control within an appointment flyout, pass the control to the SchedulerControl.AppointmentFlyoutShowing event handler’s Control parameter.

See Also