Messages, Notifications, and Dialogs
- 2 minutes to read
Components in this section replace traditional WinForms dialogs, message boxes, alerts, and other notification UI elements. DevExpress counterparts for these standard elements support skins, which allow you to achieve a unified appearance across the entire application.
The XtraMessageBox class object is a simple message box with buttons.
The XtraInputBox is a simple edit form with an editor and OK/Cancel buttons. This form asks a user to enter a value. The default form editor is TextEdit, but you can replace it with any BaseEdit descendant.
XtraDialogs are advanced message boxes that can display user controls in their client areas. Dialogs are typically used to interact with users and retrieve information.
#File and Folder Browsers
The DevExpress WinForms installation ships with two options for file and folder browsers:
The XtraOpenFileDialog, XtraSaveFileDialog, and XtraFolderBrowserDialog class instances replace standard Windows “Save As”, “Open”, and “Browse For Folder” dialogs. DevExpress dialogs support Windows Vista and newer operating systems.
Custom folder browsers that can be shown as modal dialogs or embedded in Forms or UserControls. To implement these browsers, use the FileExplorerAssistant component.
#Flyout Dialog
The Flyout Dialog allows you to show Windows Modern UI-style messages and dialogs.
#Flyout Panel
The Flyout Panel is a panel shown on demand, at a specified position relative to the panel’s owner control. The panel can stretch across its parent container, supports animation effects, and displays an optional beak element.
#Alert Windows
Alert Windows are traditional notifications briefly displayed at the bottom edge of the screen and automatically dismissed after a certain delay if a user takes no action. The AlertControl component allows you to specify notification content, location, display time, and buttons at the alert window’s top right corner.
#Toast Notification Manager
The Toast Notification Manager component allows you to create Windows 10-style notifications.