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Auxiliary Controls

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The XtraScheduler suite provides numerous auxiliary controls located in the DX.24.2: Scheduling Visual Studio Toolbox tab. By using these controls, you can change an appointment’s label, time status, bound resource, recurrence pattern, etc.

Additional controls included in the suite are:

Name Description
Icon_AppointmentLabelEdit AppointmentLabelEdit Represents an image combo box control used to select appointment labels.
Icon_AppointmentResourceEdit AppointmentResourceEdit Represents an image combo box control used to select a resource for an appointment.
Icon_AppointmentResourcesEdit AppointmentResourcesEdit Represents an image combo box control used to select multiple resources for an appointment.
Icon_AppointmentStatusEdit AppointmentStatusEdit Represents an image combo box control used to select an appointment status.
Icon_DailyRecurrenceControl DailyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set recurrence options for daily recurring appointments.
Icon_DurationEdit DurationEdit Represents a combo box used to specify time intervals (durations).
Icon_MonthEdit MonthEdit Represents a combo box used to select a month.
Icon_MonthlyRecurrenceControl MonthlyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for monthly recurring appointments.
Icon_ResourcesCheckedListBox ResourcesCheckedListBoxControl Represents a checked list box control used to filter resources within a SchedulerControl.
Icon_ResourcesComboBox ResourcesComboBoxControl Represents a combo box control used to filter resources within a SchedulerControl.
Icon_ResourcesPopupCheckedListBox ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl Represents a pop-up checked list box control used to filter resources within a SchedulerControl.
Icon_TimeZoneEdit TimeZoneEdit Represents a combo box used to specify a time zone.
Icon_WeekDaysCheckEdit WeekDaysCheckEdit Represents a control that allows for the selection of days of the week by checking the corresponding boxes.
Icon_WeekDaysEdit WeekDaysEdit Represents a combo box used to select days of the week.
Icon_WeeklyRecurrenceControl WeeklyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for weekly recurring appointments.
Icon_WeekOfMonthEdit WeekOfMonthEdit Represents a combo box used to select a week of the month.
Icon_YearlyRecurrenceControl YearlyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for yearly recurring appointments.
See Also