GanttView.PrintHeadersOnFirstPageOnly Property
Gets or sets whether to print column headers on the first page only. This is a dependency property.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Gantt
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Gantt.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Gantt
#Property Value
Type | Default | Description |
Boolean | true | true, to print headers on the first page only; false, to print column headers on every page. |
PrintHeadersOnFirstPageOnly = true:
PrintHeadersOnFirstPageOnly = false:
If the GanttView.PrintArea is set to TreeList, the GanttControl prints column headers on each page regardless of the PrintHeadersOnFirstPageOnly property value.
If the GanttView.PrintColumnHeaders is set to false, the GanttControl does not print column headers.
Refer to the Print and Export topic for more information on how to customize the printed document.