YearlyByDayOfWeek Class
In This Article
Represents the yearly recurrence in a particular day of week.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Gantt
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Gantt.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Gantt
public sealed class YearlyByDayOfWeek :
Use the YearlyByDayOfWeek object to define that the rule reoccurs on a yearly basis in a particular month and day of week.
Use the Month, DayOfWeek, and Week properties to specify a month, a day of week, and a number of week when the rule is applied.
<dxgn:GanttControl ItemsSource="{Binding Tasks}">
<dxgn:GanttView ...
<!-- Marks as a nonworking the day when the Thanksgiving (United States) is celebrated -->
<dxgn:WorkdayRule IsWorkday="False" Recurrence="{dxgn:YearlyByDayOfWeek Month=11, DayOfWeek=Thursday, Week=4}" />
See Also