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Show and Hide Columns

  • 2 minutes to read

In Code

Set the BaseColumn.Visible property to false to hide a column or a band from the GridControl. To hide a column or a band from the Column Chooser, set the column’s BaseColumn.ShowInColumnChooser property to false.

    <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="Name" IsSmart="True"/>
    <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="City" IsSmart="True">
    <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="Visits" IsSmart="True" Visible="False"/>
    <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="Birthday" IsSmart="True" Visible="False" ShowInColumnChooser="False">

You can sort data against hidden columns with the GridSortInfo.SortOrder property:

<dxg:GridColumn FieldName="Visits" IsSmart="True" SortOrder="Ascending" Visible="False"/>

Use the GridControl.Columns property to get all GridControl columns (visible and hidden). Use the GridViewBase.VisibleColumns property to get visible columns. You can access individual columns and bands by name or index.

Column Chooser

The Column Chooser allows end users to hide and show columns from the GridControl at runtime. Refer to the Show and Hide Columns topic for more information.

API Description
DataViewBase.ShowColumnChooser Shows the Column Chooser. After you show the Column Chooser, the GridControl raises the DataViewBase.ShownColumnChooser event.
DataViewBase.HideColumnChooser Hides the Column Chooser. After you hide the Column Chooser, the GridControl raises the DataViewBase.HiddenColumnChooser event.
DataViewBase.IsColumnChooserVisible Gets or sets whether the Column Chooser is visible.
DataViewBase.ColumnChooserTemplate A template that defines the Column Chooser‘s presentation.
ColumnBase.ColumnChooserHeaderCaption The column header caption displayed in the Column Chooser.
DataViewBase.ColumnChooserColumns A list of columns displayed in the Column Chooser.
DataViewBase.ColumnChooserColumnDisplayMode The Column Chooser‘s display mode (ShowAllColumns, ShowHiddenColumnsOnly).
TableView.ShowBandsInCustomizationForm Shows the Bands tab in the Column Chooser (in the ShowHiddenColumnsOnly mode).
