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TdxSpreadSheetTableItem Members

The base class for individual column and row objects in a Table View worksheet.


Name Description
Create(TdxDynamicItemList,Integer) Creates a new item at the specified position within the dynamic item list. Inherited from TdxDynamicListItem.


Name Description
CellCount Returns the index of a table item that neighbors the outermost cell object created in the current table item.
Cells Provides zero-based indexed access to the cell objects hosted within the current table item object.
CustomSize Returns the current size (in pixels) of the table item if its size was customized.
DefaultSize Specifies whether the default height or width value is applied to the table item.
DisplayText Returns a string displayed by the table item‘s header.
Index Returns the item’s zero-based index within the dynamic list. Inherited from TdxDynamicListItem.
Next Returns the element following the currnet table item object in the table item collection.
Owner Provides access to a collection to which the current table item object belongs.
Prev Returns the element that precedes the table item object in the table item collection.
Size Specifies the table item’s size (in pixels).
Style Provides access to the appearance settings applied to all cells within the table item.
View Returns the Table View worksheet to which the table item belongs.
Visible Switches the visibility of the table item object.


Name Description
ApplyBestFit Adjusts the size of the table item according to cell content.
Assign(TdxDynamicListItem) Copies the specified item’s content to the current dynamic list item. Inherited from TdxDynamicListItem.
CreateCell(Integer) Creates a cell object at the specified position within the generic table item.
EnumCells(TdxSpreadSheetTableItemEnumProc) Performs the required actions on all valid cell objects within the current table item.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current object supports it. Inherited from TcxIUnknownObject.
ShiftIndex(Integer) protected Changes the item’s index within the dynamic list by the specified value. Inherited from TdxDynamicListItem.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also