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TdxSpreadSheetTableItem.EnumCells(TdxSpreadSheetTableItemEnumProc) Method

Performs the required actions on all valid cell objects within the current table item.


procedure EnumCells(AEnumProc: TdxSpreadSheetTableItemEnumProc); virtual;


Name Type
AEnumProc TdxSpreadSheetTableItemEnumProc


You do not need to use the EnumCells function, since it is overridden in the TdxSpreadSheetTableRow class with the row-specific implementation.

The AEnumProc parameter specifies the TdxSpreadSheetTableItemEnumProc anonymous procedure whose ACell parameter is used to address each valid cell object within the current row object.

Refer to the How to Customize All Cell Objects at Once topic for details on the practical use of the EnumCells procedure.


To access and modify all cell objects within a Table View worksheet, use its ForEachCell procedure.

See Also