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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxCustomImageSlider Class

Serves as the base class for classes that implement controls providing image sliding capabilities.



This class introduces members that implement the essential capabilities for displaying a collection of images and sliding them into view with smooth animation. End-users can slide images using a scrollbar or by clicking specially designed buttons. The buttons appear next to the left and right edges of the control when the mouse pointer hovers over it.

VCL Editors Library: An Image Slider

You can use a TcxImageCollection object or a multi-frame image as a source for an image collection to be displayed (see the Images or MultiFrameImage property, respectively). To help end-users navigate through large image collections, you can display a preview panel populated with image thumbnails that are created automatically based on collection images. Clicking a thumbnail brings the corresponding image into view.

VCL Editors Library: Preview Panel Navigation

The slider control provides a number of animation transition effects to apply to images, in addition to the slide effect, which it is named after. Use the TransitionEffect and AnimationTime properties to select the required effect and adjust its duration. To respond to image sliding, handle the OnChange event.

With the ImageFitMode property, you can specify how images are automatically fit into the slider control so that there is no need to manually resize images in order to use them in the control.

The TdxImageSlider component inherits from TdxCustomImageSlider only to publish its events and properties, and initialize certain properties with default values.

See Also