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TdxDBColorGallery Properties

A data-aware color gallery control.
Name Description
Action Inherited from TControl.
ActiveCanvas Provides access to the control’s GDI-based canvas. Inherited from TcxControl.
Align Inherited from TControl.
AlignDisabled Inherited from TWinControl.
AlignWithMargins Inherited from TControl.
Anchors Inherited from TControl.
AutoSize Inherited from TControl.
AutoSizeMode Specifies the color gallery control’s size adjustment mode.
BevelEdges Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelInner Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelKind Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelOuter Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelWidth Inherited from TWinControl.
BiDiMode Inherited from TControl.
BorderSize protected Inherited from TcxControl.
BorderStyle Specifies the color gallery control’s border style.
BorderWidth Inherited from TWinControl.
Bounds Returns the control’s boundaries. Inherited from TcxControl.
BoundsRect Inherited from TControl.
Brush Inherited from TWinControl.
Canvas Provides access to the control’s GDI-based canvas. Inherited from TcxControl.
Caption Inherited from TControl.
ClientBounds Returns the control’s client area. Inherited from TcxControl.
ClientHeight Inherited from TControl.
ClientOrigin Inherited from TControl.
ClientRect Inherited from TControl.
ClientWidth Inherited from TControl.
Color Inherited from TControl.
ColorPalette Specifies the color palette displayed in the color gallery control.
ColorSet Specifies the color set used to populate the color gallery control’s current palette.
ColorValue protected Specifies the currently selected color. Inherited from TdxCustomColorGallery.
ColumnCount Specifies the number of columns. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
Constraints Inherited from TControl.
ContentOffset protected Specifies the gallery’s internal offset (in pixels). Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
ContentOffsetGroups protected Specifies internal offset for groups (in pixels). Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
ContentOffsetItems protected Specifies internal offset for items (in pixels). Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
ControlCount Inherited from TWinControl.
Controller Provides access to the gallery control’s controller. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
Controls Inherited from TWinControl.
ControlState Inherited from TControl.
ControlStyle Inherited from TControl.
Ctl3D Inherited from TWinControl.
CurrentPPI Inherited from TControl.
Cursor Inherited from TControl.
CustomHint Inherited from TControl.
DataBinding Specifies a data source connection.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
DockClientCount Inherited from TWinControl.
DockClients Inherited from TWinControl.
DockManager Inherited from TWinControl.
DockOrientation Inherited from TControl.
DockSite Inherited from TWinControl.
DoubleBuffered Inherited from TWinControl.
DragAndDropObject Inherited from TcxControl.
DragAndDropObjectClass Inherited from TcxControl.
DragAndDropState Inherited from TcxControl.
DragCursor Inherited from TControl.
DragKind Inherited from TControl.
DragMode Inherited from TControl.
EditValue protected Specifies the currently selected color. Inherited from TdxCustomColorGallery.
Enabled Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitHeight Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitLeft Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitTop Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitWidth Inherited from TControl.
Floating Inherited from TControl.
FloatingDockSiteClass Inherited from TControl.
FocusOnClick protected Specifies if clicking the control focuses it. Inherited from TcxControl.
Font Inherited from TControl.
Gallery protected Specifies groups and items displayed within the gallery. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
Handle Inherited from TWinControl.
Height Inherited from TControl.
HelpContext Inherited from TControl.
HelpKeyword Inherited from TControl.
HelpType Inherited from TControl.
Hint Specifies a hint message for the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
HostDockSite Inherited from TControl.
HScrollBar protected Inherited from TcxControl.
HScrollBarVisible protected Inherited from TcxControl.
Images protected Provides images to be displayed within a gallery. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
ImeMode Inherited from TWinControl.
ImeName Inherited from TWinControl.
IsDesigning Identifies if the control is being modified by the form designer. Inherited from TcxControl.
IsDestroying Identifies if the control is about to be destroyed. Inherited from TcxCustomControl.
IsDrawingLocked Inherited from TWinControl.
IsFocused Identifies if the control has focus. Inherited from TcxControl.
IsLoading Identifies if the control is being loaded. Inherited from TcxControl.
ItemCheckMode protected Specifies item selection mode. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
ItemImageSize protected Specifies the item image size. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
ItemShowHint Specifies if hints are displayed for items within the color gallery.
ItemShowImageFrame protected Specifies image frame visibility. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
ItemSize Specifies the square size of items displayed within the color palette, in pixels.
ItemTextPosition protected Specifies item caption position relative to images. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
Keys protected Inherited from TcxControl.
Left Inherited from TControl.
LeftPos protected Inherited from TcxScrollingControl.
LookAndFeel Provides access to the control’s look & feel settings. Inherited from TcxControl.
LookAndFeelPainter protected Inherited from TcxControl.
LRDockWidth Inherited from TControl.
Margins Inherited from TControl.
MouseCapture Inherited from TControl.
MouseCaptureObject Provides access to the dragged object during a drag-and-drop operation. Inherited from TcxControl.
MouseDownPos Specifies the mouse pointer position when an OnMouseDown event occurs. Inherited from TcxControl.
MouseInClient Inherited from TWinControl.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
OptionsBehavior protected Specifies how the gallery control responds to end-user actions. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
OptionsView protected Specifies how elements are arranged within the gallery control. Inherited from TdxCustomGalleryControl.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
Padding Inherited from TWinControl.
Parent Inherited from TControl.
ParentBackground protected Inherited from TcxControl.
ParentBiDiMode Inherited from TControl.
ParentColor Inherited from TControl.
ParentCtl3D Inherited from TWinControl.
ParentCustomHint Inherited from TControl.
ParentDoubleBuffered Inherited from TWinControl.
ParentFont Inherited from TControl.
ParentShowHint Inherited from TControl.
ParentWindow Inherited from TWinControl.
PixelsPerInch Inherited from TWinControl.
PopupMenu Specifies the popup menu associated with the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
RaiseOnNonMainThreadUsage Inherited from TControl.
RedrawDisabled Inherited from TWinControl.
ScaleFactor Inherited from TControl.
ScrollBars protected Inherited from TcxControl.
ShowHint Inherited from TControl.
Showing Inherited from TWinControl.
ShowItemBorders Specifies if the color item borders are visible.
StyleElements Inherited from TControl.
StyleName Inherited from TControl.
TabOrder Inherited from TWinControl.
TabStop Inherited from TcxControl.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
TBDockHeight Inherited from TControl.
Text Inherited from TControl.
TipMode Inherited from TWinControl.
Top Inherited from TControl.
TopPos protected Inherited from TcxScrollingControl.
Touch Inherited from TControl.
Transparent Specifies if the control is transparent in GDI render mode. Inherited from TcxControl.
UndockHeight Inherited from TControl.
UndockWidth Inherited from TControl.
UseDockManager Inherited from TWinControl.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
Visible Inherited from TControl.
VisibleDockClientCount Inherited from TWinControl.
VScrollBar protected Inherited from TcxControl.
VScrollBarVisible protected Inherited from TcxControl.
Width Inherited from TControl.
WindowProc Inherited from TControl.
See Also