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TdxChartCrosshairOptions.StickyLines Property

Specifies the active crosshair line behavior mode.


property StickyLines: TdxChartCrosshairStickyLines read; write; default TdxChartCrosshairStickyLines.SingleAxis;

Property Value

Type Default Description
TdxChartCrosshairStickyLines SingleAxis

The active crosshair line behavior mode.


Use the StickyLines property to change what crosshair lines and their axis labels snap to target series points.

SnapToPointMode, SnapToSeriesMode, and SnapToOutRangePoints properties define how Crosshair Cursor targets series points.

Property Value Examples

The following table demonstrates the difference between all crosshair line behavior modes under the same conditions:




SingleAxis (default)

Argument or value crosshair lines snap to target series points if the SnapToPointMode property is set to Argument or Value, respectively.

The StickyLines property setter changes the SnapToPointMode property value from NearestToCursor to Argument when you enable the SingleAxis mode because it is incompatible with the point-based targeting mode.

Refer to the following section for details: Property Setter Behavior.

VCL Chart Control: Argument Lines Snap to Target Series Points


Both argument and value crosshair lines snap to target series points if the SnapToPointMode property is set to NearestToCursor.

This mode is compatible with all possible SnapToPointMode property values.

VCL Chart Control: Both Argument and Value Lines Snap to Target Series Points


Argument and value crosshair lines always follow the mouse pointer as a crosshair.

This mode is compatible with all possible SnapToPointMode property values.

VCL Chart Control: Both Argument and Value Lines Always Follow the Mouse Pointer

Property Setter Behavior

The StickyLines property setter changes the SnapToPointMode property value to Argument if the following conditions are met:

Otherwise, the SnapToPointMode property value remains unchanged.

Default Value

The StickyLines property’s default value is TdxChartCrosshairStickyLines.SingleAxis.

  1. These examples demonstrate all possible StickyLines property values for the same XY diagram with three simple Line series under the following conditions:

See Also