TdxCustomBreadcrumbEdit.OnPathValidate Event
In This Article
Enables you to validate the path before the path is selected.
property OnPathValidate: TdxBreadcrumbEditPathValidateEvent read; write;
Sender specifies the breadcrumb control.
APath specifies the selected path.
ANode specifies the node to which the selected path navigates. If validation fails (the editor cannot find a node that corresponds to the selected path), ANode is initialized with nil. To re-route the editor to a specific node, pass this node as ANode.
AErrorText specifies the error message. If validation fails, AErrorText is initialized with the default error message.
AError specifies whether to raise the error. Set AError to True to raise the error with the AErrorText message. If validation fails, AError is initialized with True, which you can reset to False to prevent the default error processing.
See Also