TdxAlertWindowManager.OnHyperlinkClick Event
Allows you to handle a click on a hyperlink displayed in an alert window.
property OnHyperlinkClick: TdxAlertWindowManagerHyperlinkClickEvent read; write;
The OnHyperlinkClick
event occurs every time a user activates a hyperlink in an alert window. You can handle this event to implement a custom response to hyperlink activation or prevent users from activating certain hyperlinks.
#Code Example: Prevent Navigation to External Web Resources
The following code example prevents hyperlink activation if the clicked hyperlink in an alert window refers to an external web resource:
procedure TMyForm.dxAlertWindowManager1HyperlinkClick(
Sender: TObject; const AURI: string; var AHandled: Boolean);
if ContainsText(AURI, 'http') then // If the target URI includes the HTTP or HTTPS protocol
AHandled := True; // Disables the hyperlink activation routine
Refer to the TdxAlertWindowManagerHyperlinkClickEvent procedural type description for detailed information on parameters accessible within an OnHyperlinkClick
event handler.
See Also