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TcxCustomTreeView.CustomSort(TTVCompare,Longint,Boolean) Method

Sorts nodes using the specified node comparison routine.


function CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint; ARecurse: Boolean = True): Boolean;


Name Type
SortProc TTVCompare
Data Longint
ARecurse Boolean




The CustomSort method is used to perform node sorting using the comparison routine specified by the SortProc parameter. If nil is passed as the SortProc parameter, the method behaves like the AlphaSort method. Please refer to the TCustomTreeView.CustomSort method description for details on using the CustomSort method.

It is not recommended that you use the CustomSort method. Instead, call the AlphaSort method and handle the OnCompare event to specify the appropriate node comparison logic. If the OnCompare event is not handled, the AlphaSort method compares nodes by their captions (the Text property of TTreeNode objects representing nodes).

See Also