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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TcxSimpleStyle.LightColor Property

Specifies the color of left and top edges of the hot zone.


property LightColor: TColor read; write; default clWindow;

#Property Value

Type Default
TColor clWindow


The background color of the hot zone using the simple style is specified by the owning control’s background color. It can be set using the Color property of the control. You can also specify the color of the border painted around the hot zone by using the ShadowColor property. In addition, the TcxSimpleStyle object provides the LightColor property and this sets the color of the hot zone’s left and top borders. If this property is set to a light color, the hot zone looks raised, as in the image below.

Also, you can set LightColor to the owning control’s Color property value to make the hot zone flat, as shown by the next image.

Note that you can also control the style of the dots displayed within the hot zone. Use the DotsColor and DotsShadowColor properties for this purpose.

The default value of the LightColor property is clWindow.

See Also