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TcxMediaPlayer9Style.LightColor Property

Specifies the color used to fill the light area of the hot zone.


property LightColor: TColor read; write; default clWindow;

#Property Value

Type Default
TColor clWindow


The Media Player 9 hot zone consists of light and dark areas. The light area is filled with a solid brush controlled by the LightColor property. The dark part is filled with a gradient brush. The gradient’s start color is provided by the ShadowStartColor (when the hot zone is in normal state). If the mouse pointer is over the hot zone, the start color is set by the ShadowHighlightStartColor property instead. The gradient’s end color is automatically set to a darker shade of the start color.

The image below displays an example of the Media Player 9 hot zone. The zoomed image shows you where the colors specified by the above properties are applied.

Usually, you will set the LightColor, ShadowStartColor and ShadowHighlightStartColor properties to shades of the same color to imitate a shadow effect. In this case, colors corresponding to the shadow area must be set to a slightly darker shade than the LightColor property value. The images below display examples of such customization. Note that the BorderColor property value is changed also to provide a common style for the entire hot zone.

Another common example of a customized hot zone is when the LightColor property value is set to white. In this case, the ShadowStartColor and ShadowHighlightStartColor properties can be set to a light shade of any color to provide a nice looking hot zone. The image below provides examples.


Set the ShadowStartColor and ShadowHighlightStartColor properties to the same value if you don’t want the hot zone to change its appearance when the mouse cursor hovers over it.

The default value of the LightColor property is clWindow.

See Also