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TcxParaAttributes2 Properties

Rich edit paragraph settings.
Name Description
AbsoluteIndent Specifies the absolute indentation from the left margin, in pixels.
Alignment Specifies the paragraph alignment.
FirstIndent Specifies the paragraph first line indentation, in pixels.
LineSpacing Specifies the spacing between lines, in pixels.
LineSpacingRule Specifies the line spacing type.
NumberingStart Specifies the starting number for bulleted or numbered paragraphs.
NumberingStyle Specifies the numbering style for bulleted or numbered paragraphs.
NumberingTab Specifies the space between a paragraph number and the paragraph text in pixels.
NumberingType Specifies the numbering type for bulleted or numbered paragraphs.
OffsetIndent Specifies the subsequent line indentation relative to the first line in pixels.
PageBreakBefore Specifies the page break before the paragraph.
RichEdit Provides access to the rich edit to which settings are applied. Inherited from TcxRichCustomAttributes.
RightIndent Specifies the indentation of the paragraph right side relative to the right margin, in pixels.
SpaceAfter Specifies the size of the spacing below the paragraph, in pixels.
SpaceBefore Specifies the size of the spacing above the paragraph, in pixels.
Style Specifies the text style.
Tab Provides indexed access to tabs.
TabAlignment Specifies the tab alignment.
TabCount Specifies the number of tabs.
TabLeader Specifies the tab leader.
TableStyle Specifies the table style.
See Also