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TcxCustomProgressBar.Position Property

Specifies the position of the progress bar.


property Position: Double read; write;

Property Value



Use the Position property to specify the current position of the progress bar. The position can vary within the range specified by the Properties.Min and Properties.Max properties. If the Position property’s value is the same as the Properties.Min property, no bar is displayed. If it is the same as the Properties.Max property value, the bar fills the entire control. Note that the Position property cannot be set to a value outside of these bounds.

If the Properties.ShowText property is set to True, the progress bar control displays textual information about the current position of the bar. The way in which this information is presented is controlled by the Properties.ShowTextStyle property. If this property’s value is cxtsPosition, the Position property value is displayed. If it is cxtsPercent, the progress percentage is shown.

The table below shows examples of different Position property values. Assume that Properties.Min is -10 and Properties.Max is 20.

Position ShowTextStyle = cxtsPosition ShowTextStyle = cxtsPercent

When the Properties.ShowOverload property is set to True, the overload bar is displayed. In this case, the Position property sets the total progress. The value where the overload bar starts is set using the Properties.OverloadValue property. Review the image below, for more information.


The Position property applies to the progress bar if its Properties.Marquee property is set to False.

The default value of the Position property is 0.

See Also