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TdxVisualRefinements.UseDisabledSkinPaletteForSVG Property

Specifies if UI elements apply the active vector skin palette to disabled state glyphs at the application level.


class property UseDisabledSkinPaletteForSVG: Boolean read; write;

#Property Value

Type Description
Default. UI elements apply the active skin palette to their SVG glyphs.
UI elements apply a grayed effect to their glyphs in the disabled state.


All SVG icons shipped with the DevExpress Icon Library include the following CSS style names that define corresponding SVG element colors: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and White. DevExpress controls can use these CSS style names to apply the active vector skin palette to SVG glyphs to maintain contrast.

Refer to the following topic for detailed information on how to adapt third-party SVG icons for interaction with DevExpress skin palettes: Third-Party SVG Icon Adaptation for DevExpress Skins and Palettes.

#Global Palette and SVG Glyph Interaction Settings

UseEnabledSkinPaletteForSVG and UseDisabledSkinPaletteForSVG properties define SVG glyph and skin palette interaction settings application-wide. Corresponding image list and glyph settings have priority over these global settings.

#Affected Settings

The UseEnabledSkinPaletteForSVG property value affects:


The UseDisabledSkinPaletteForSVG property has no effect on disabled state glyphs when one of the following conditions is met:

  • Disabled state glyphs are bitmaps rather than SVG icons (palettes have no effect on bitmaps).
  • A bitmap skin is active (bitmap skins have no palettes).
  • If a UI glyph is specified through a UI element’s Glyph property and the Glyph.UseDisabledSkinPaletteForSVG property is set to bTrue or bFalse.
  • If a UI glyph is stored in an image list and the image list’s UseDisabledSkinPaletteForSVG property is set to bTrue or bFalse.

#Default Value

The UseDisabledSkinPaletteForSVG property’s default value is True.

See Also