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Third-Party SVG Icon Adaptation for DevExpress Skins and Palettes

  • 3 minutes to read

DevExpress controls can change their SVG icon colors based on the current skin and palette to maintain UI element contrast. All vector icons shipped with the DevExpress Icon Library change their colors according to skins and palettes used and active palette interaction settings.

To use third-party icons in the same way as DevExpress icons, you need to define and use SVG colors with the following CSS style names: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and White. Refer to the following topic for more information: Draw SVG Icons.

Use SVG Icon Builder

Download and install our standalone SVG Icon Builder application.

Run SVG Icon Builder and click LIBRARY SETTING.

VCL Shared Libraries: SVG Icon Builder - Click Library Settings

Select the required source folder for custom icons[1] and click the ADD FOLDER button.

VCL Shared Libraries: SVG Icon Builder - Add a Folder

Click the Adjust button to scan all icons in the source folder and automatically adjust their size and color settings according to DevExpress guidelines. You can preview pending changes and manually change incorrectly converted colors.

VCL Shared Libraries: SVG Icon Builder - Click

To save pending changes in the .iconbuilder folder automatically created in the source folder, click the CONVERT button.

VCL Shared Libraries: SVG Icon Builder - Icon Preview

Add Adapted Custom Icons to Icon Library

You can use adapted third-party icons from the created .iconbuilder folder as a custom collection in the Icon Library. Click the Add a custom collection button in the Image Picker dialog, select the target folder in a shell dialog, and click the Select button.

VCL Shared Libraries: Add a Custom Icon Collection

Refer to the following topic for more information: Manage Custom Icon Collections.

SVG Glyph and Palette Interaction Settings

This topic section lists all settings that allow you to enable or disable skin palette interaction for all or individual UI element glyphs.

Global Palette Interaction Settings

The following class properties allow you to disable or enable palette interaction for SVG glyphs application-wide:

Specifies if UI elements apply the active vector skin palette to disabled state glyphs at the application level.
Specifies if UI elements apply the active vector skin palette to enabled state glyphs at the application level.

Glyph and Image List Settings

Many UI elements allow you to load individual glyphs or assign glyphs stored in a TcxImageList component. You can use the following properties to explicitly enable or disable palette interaction for individual UI element glyphs or image lists:

Specifies if the active vector skin palette affects the stored SVG glyph for the disabled UI element state.
Specifies if the active vector skin palette affects the stored SVG glyph for the enabled UI element state.
Specifies if the active vector skin palette affects stored SVG glyphs for the disabled UI element state.
Specifies if the active vector skin palette affects stored SVG glyphs for the enabled UI element state.
  1. We use Google Material Design icons as an example.

See Also