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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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cxDefaultIsTouchScrollUIModeEnabled Constant

In This Article

Specifies the default state of the Touch-friendly scrollbar mode in DevExpress controls.


const cxDefaultIsTouchScrollUIModeEnabled = False;


All TcxControl and TdxVCLControl descendants (except for TcxTreeView, TcxListView, and their descendants) support the Touch-friendly scrollbar mode:

VCL Shared Libraries: Touch-Friendly Scrollbars

If you prefer classic scrollbars in your application, you can add a TdxSkinController component to your project and assign sbmClassic to the component’s ScrollbarMode property.

To disable or enable touch-friendly scrollbars in a particular control, set the control’s LookAndFeel.ScrollbarMode to sbmClassic or sbmTouch, respectively.

See Also