Icon Library
- 2 minutes to read
DevExpress VCL controls ship with an extensive library of icons created by our design team. The library includes both full-color and grayscale icons you can use as glyphs in UI elements of your application.
#Library Installation Path and Custom Icons
The DevExpress Icon Library is installed in the following folder: %DevExpress VCL Installation Folder%\ExpressLibrary\Sources\Icon Library\. All icons are arranged into collections and categories according to the theme and purpose (for instance, Actions or Arrows). You can manage icon collections available in the Image Picker dialog, extend the Icon Library with custom icon folders, and use custom icons like built-in icons.
Custom icon folders can be located anywhere in the file system. The DevExpress Icon Library maintains the list of custom icon collections in the following Microsoft Windows® directory: %Computer%\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Developer Express\IconLibrary\Collections.
Refer to the following topic for detailed information on custom icon usage: Image Picker.
#Adapt Third-Party SVG Icons for DevExpress Skins and Palettes
Custom/third-party icons may require pre-processing with our SVG Icon Builder tool to adapt these icons to DevExpress VCL skins and palettes. Our tool can adjust icon size and color settings according to DevExpress guidelines.
Refer to the following topic for detailed information on how to use the SVG Icon Builder application: Third-Party SVG Icon Adaptation for DevExpress Skins and Palettes.
#Image Picker
Image Picker is the main design-time tool for interaction with the DevExpress Icon Library and related functionality, such as operating system-dependent font icons and custom icon management.
Refer to the Image Picker dialog description for detailed information about all functionality accessible through this dialog.