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TcxCustomListView.FindData(Integer,Pointer,Boolean,Boolean) Method

Returns a list view item, which is associated with the specified data.


function FindData(StartIndex: Integer; Value: Pointer; Inclusive: Boolean; Wrap: Boolean): TListItem;


Name Type
StartIndex Integer
Value Pointer
Inclusive Boolean
Wrap Boolean




The FindData method searches the Items of a list view for an element, whose Data property value matches the search criteria by data. The parameters passed the FindData method specify the search options:

Parameter Meaning
StartIndex The index of the item, from which to begin search.
Value The data to search for (the search criteria)
Inclusive If True, the item, specified by the StartIndex parameter, is included into the search.
Wrap If True, the search continues at the top of the list if a match has not been found before reaching the bottom.

The FindData method returns the first item whose Data property matches the Value parameter. If no item is found the FindData returns nil.

See Also