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TcxPivotGridField Properties

Implements a pivot grid field used in provider and unbound modes.
Name Description
ActualWidth Returns the on-screen field‘s width in pixels.
AllowedAreas Specifies the areas in which the field can be positioned.
Area Specifies the area in which the field is displayed.
AreaIndex Specifies the position of the field amongst the other fields within the same area.
Caption Specifies the field’s display caption.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
CustomTotals Provides indexed access to custom totals that are calculated for the current field.
DataBinding Specifies an object which links the current field to data storage.
DataVisibility Specifies the cell visibility for data fields.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
DisplayFormat Specifies the formatting pattern used to display field values.
Filter Provides access to the filter applied to the current field.
Group Specifies the group in which the field is contained.
GroupExpanded Specifies the expansion state of the field in a group.
GroupIndex Specifies the index of the group in which the field is contained.
GroupInterval Specifies how the values of the current column field or row field are combined into groups.
GroupIntervalRange Specifies the length of the intervals when values are grouped together.
GroupValueList Provides indexed access to the list of the field’s grouping values.
Hidden Specifies whether the field is displayed within the customization form.
ImageAlign Specifies the alignment of an image within the header of the current field.
ImageIndex Specifies the index of an image associated with the field.
Index Specifies the position of the current field within the control’s field collection.

In OLAP mode, determines whether the current field is associated with a cube hierarchy’s element.

This property is for internal use only.

MinWidth Specifies the minimum field‘s width in pixels.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Options Contains a set of options which control end-user abilities with regard to changing an item’s contents and the appearance of item cells.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
PivotGrid Specifies the pivot grid control that owns the current field.
Properties Provides access to active editor settings.
PropertiesClass Specifies a reference to the editor properties class that corresponds to the active editor type.
PropertiesClassName Specifies the active editor type by its class name.
RecordCount Returns the total number of records that provide data for the field.
RepositoryItem Specifies an edit repository item component for the pivot grid field.
SortBySummaryInfo Specifies the options used to sort the values of the current column field and row field by grand total summary values.
SortedBySummary Indicates whether the values of the current field are sorted by the grand total summary values of a data field.
SortOrder Specifies the field‘s sort order.
Styles Represents style settings for the current field’s visual elements.
SummaryIndex Determines the position of the current field within the SummaryFields collection.
SummaryType Specifies the type of the summary function which is calculated against the current field’s values.
SummaryVariation Specifies how a summary value that is calculated against the current data field is represented in a data cell.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
TopValueCount Specifies the total number of the field values that are to be displayed for the current column field or row field.
TopValueShowOthers Specifies whether the ‘Others’ item is displayed in the pivot grid when the Top N Values feature is enabled.
TotalsVisibility Specifies the type of the totals calculated and displayed within the pivot grid for the current field.
UniqueName In OLAP mode, specifies the full name of a cube element that is bound to the current field.
Values Provides access to the values of the current field.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
Visible Specifies whether the current field is displayed within the pivot grid.
VisibleInGroup Determines whether the current field is visible within the group that owns it.
Width Specifies the field header’s width in pixels.
See Also