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Grand Totals

  • 2 minutes to read

Row Grand Total(s) are row(s) which display summary totals calculated against all the rows. Column Grand Total(s) are column(s) which display summary totals calculated against all the columns.

The column (or row) grand total consists of the Header and Grand Total Values regions:

The table below lists the main properties of the pivot grid which affect the appearance of grand totals.


The OptionsView.GrandTotalsForSingleValues property.

For column grand totals, the OptionsView.ColumnGrandTotals property.

For row grand totals, the OptionsView.RowGrandTotals property.

Cell Visibility

A field’s DataVisibility property.


The OptionsView.ColumnTotalsLocation, OptionsView.RowTotalsLocation, and OptionsView.TotalsLocation properties.



For column grand totals, the OptionsView.ColumnGrandTotalText property.

For row grand totals, the OptionsView.RowGrandTotalText property.


For totals and grand totals, the Styles.Total property.

For column grand totals, the Styles.ColumnHeader property.

For row grand totals, the Styles.RowHeader property.

To dynamically customize these style settings, handle the Styles.OnGetColumnHeaderStyle and Styles.OnGetRowHeaderStyle events.


These style settings do not modify an element’s background if the pivot grid is painted using the Windows XP (native) or Office2003 style.

Custom Draw Event

For column grand totals, the OnCustomDrawColumnHeader event.

For row grand totals, the OnCustomDrawRowHeader event.


The OptionsBehavior.GroupHeaderHints property.

The pivot grid’s OnGetCellHint event.

HitTest Information

The HitTest.HitAtGroupHeader property.

Grand Total Values:


The OnGetDisplayText event.


The Styles.Content property.

To dynamically customize these style settings, handle the Styles.OnGetContentStyle event.

Custom Draw Event

The OnCustomDrawCell event.


The OptionsBehavior.CellHints property.

The pivot grid’s OnGetCellHint event.

HitTest Information

The HitTest.HitAtDataCell property.

See Also