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Data Cell

  • 2 minutes to read

Data Cells are located in the data area of the pivot grid. Data cells display Cross Cells, Total Cells and Grand Total Cells. Cross cells display summary values which have been calculated for row and column fields.

Each cross cell displays a summary calculated against a data field for a subset of records in the control’s underlying data source. All records from this subset have matching values in a column field(s) and row field(s) and these values are identified by column and row headers.

The tables below list the main properties of the pivot grid which affect the appearance and behavior of data cells. For information on the properties, which affect the appearance of total cells and grand total cells, refer to the Subtotals and Grand Totals topics.


A field’s DataVisibility property.


A field’s DisplayFormat property.

Handle a field’s OnGetDisplayText event to customize display values.


The Styles.Content property.

For limit values, the Styles.ColumnMaximumValue, Styles.ColumnMinimumValue, Styles.RowMaximumValue, Styles.RowMinimumValue, Styles.MaximumValue, and Styles.MinimumValue properties.

To dynamically customize these style settings, handle the Styles.OnGetContentStyle event.

Custom Draw Event

The OnCustomDrawCell event.


The OptionsBehavior.CellHints property.

The pivot grid’s OnGetCellHint event.

HitTest Information

The HitTest.HitAtDataCell property.

For focused data cells:


The ViewData.FocusedCell or ViewData.Selection.FocusedCell property.


The Styles.Selected and Styles.Inactive properties.

To dynamically customize these style settings, handle the Styles.OnGetContentStyle event.


The OptionsSelection.HideFocusRect property.

To scroll the focused cell into view at runtime, call the ViewData.MakeSelectionVisible function.

For selected data cells:


The ViewData.Selection property.


The Styles.Selected and Styles.Inactive properties.

To dynamically customize these style settings, handle the Styles.OnGetContentStyle event.


The OptionsSelection and ViewData.Selection properties.

The OnSelectionChanged event.

See Also