TcxCustomCheckListBox.OnEditValueToCheckStates Event
Enables you to convert edit value to check states manually.
property OnEditValueToCheckStates: TcxEditValueToCheckStatesEvent read; write;
The OnEditValueToCheckStates event fires each time the editor needs to update its check states (for instance, when changing the edit value). You should handle this event if you use a check list box control to display data stored in a format that is not supported by the control. For the supported formats list, refer to the EditValueFormat topic.
Note that manual conversion of edit values to check states generally requires a custom conversion of check states to the edit value. Otherwise, the control may not work correctly. Thus, you will need to handle the OnEditValueToCheckStates event in combination with the OnCheckStatesToEditValue event. There are cases, however, when you don’t need to handle the OnCheckStatesToEditValue event. For instance, you may want to display a data field’s values using a read-only check list box editor.
The event’s AEditValue parameter enables you to determine the new edit value. The corresponding check states should be written to the ACheckStates parameter.
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