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ContentControlCollection Methods

A collection of content controls in a document.
Name Description
CopyTo(Array, Int32) Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. Inherited from ICollection.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Inherited from IEnumerable<T>.
InsertCheckboxControl(DocumentPosition) Inserts a checkbox content control at the specified document position.
InsertComboBoxControl(DocumentPosition) Inserts a combo box content control at the specified document position.
InsertDatePickerControl(DocumentPosition) Creates a date picker content control at the specified document position.
InsertDropDownListControl(DocumentPosition) Creates a drop-down list content control at the specified document position.
InsertPlainTextControl(DocumentPosition) Creates a plain text content control at the specified document position.
InsertRichTextControl(DocumentPosition) Creates a plain text content control at the specified document position.
Remove(ContentControlBase, Boolean) Removes the specific content control from the collection. Allows you to specify whether to keep the content control contents.
See Also