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Palette Constructors

A palette (a collection of entries with two colors) that is used to draw a chart with the current appearance settings.
Name Parameters Description
Palette() none Obsolete. Initializes a new instance of the Palette class with the default settings.
Palette(PaletteEntry[]) entries Obsolete. Initializes a new instance of the Palette class with the specified array of palette entries.
Palette(String, PaletteEntry[]) name, entries Initializes a new instance of the Palette class with the specified settings.
Palette(String, PaletteScaleMode, PaletteEntry[]) name, scaleMode, entries Initializes a new instance of the Palette class with the specified settings.
Palette(String, PaletteScaleMode) name, scaleMode Initializes a new instance of the Palette class with the specified settings.
Palette(String) name Initializes a new instance of the Palette class with the specified settings.
See Also