Fibonacci Indicators
Fibonacci Indicators are a common data analysis instrument that allow you to adopt the various forms of Fibonacci sequences to your chart’s visual data. These indicators find applications mostly in Stock and Candle Stick charts, and may also be used with other XY-series.
Along with other indicators, Fibonacci Indicators reside in the XYDiagram2DSeriesViewBase.Indicators collection of a series. A series may have any number of Fibonacci Indicators. For more information, refer to Fibonacci Indicators.
There are three kinds of Fibonacci Indicators available, each having its own look and a special set of additional options.
- Fibonacci Arcs;
- Fibonacci Fans;
- Fibonacci Retracement.
The table below lists the main properties that affect the element’s appearance and functionality.
Class | The Fibonacci |
Availability | |
Points | |
Kind | |
Specific Options | Fibonacci |
Appearance | Chart |
Visibility and Legend Availability | Indicator. |