TreeListColumn Properties
Represents a single column in the TreeList control.Name | Description |
AbsoluteIndex | Gets or sets a column’s position within the Tree List’s column collection. |
AccessibleDescription | Gets or sets the object’s description used by accessibility client applications. |
AccessibleName | Gets or sets the object’s name used by accessibility client applications. |
AccessibleRole | Gets or sets the object’s accessible role. |
ActualMaxWidth | Gets the actual maximum column width. |
ActualMinWidth | Gets the actual minimum column width. |
AllNodesSummary | Specifies whether a summary is calculated against all Tree List nodes or against root nodes only. |
AllowIncrementalSearch | Gets or sets whether incremental searches can be performed against the column. |
AppearanceCell | Gets the appearance settings used to paint the column’s cells. |
AppearanceHeader | Gets the appearance settings used to paint the column header. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
Caption | Gets or sets the column caption displayed in the HeaderPanel of the XtraTreeList. |
ColumnAnnotationAttributes | Gets data annotation attributes applied to this TreeListColumn. |
ColumnEdit | Gets or sets the repository item that specifies the editor used to edit a column’s cell values. |
ColumnEditName | Gets or sets the name of the editor used for this column’s cells. |
ColumnHandle | Gets the position of the associated field within the data source. |
ColumnIndex | Gets the horizontal position of a banded column. |
ColumnType | Gets the column’s data type. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
CustomizationCaption | Gets or sets the column header in the Customization Form. |
CustomizationSearchCaption | Gets the column caption when its header is displayed in the Customization Form by which it can be found using the Customization Form’s search box. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
FieldName | Gets or sets the field name assigned to the current column from a datasource. |
FieldNameSort | Gets or sets by what data field this column should sort and filter its data. |
FilterInfo | Gets an object specifying custom filter criteria. |
FilterMode | Gets or sets whether to filter data by the displayed text or actual values. |
Fixed | Gets or sets whether the column is anchored to the control’s left or right edge. |
Format | Gets the object that specifies the formatting applied to column values. |
Image | Gets or sets the image displayed in the column header. |
ImageAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment of the column header’s image. |
ImageIndex | Gets or sets the index of the image from the TreeList.ColumnsImageList collection displayed in the column header. |
ImageOptions | Provides access to settings that allow you to set up raster and vector icons for this TreeListColumn. |
Images | Gets the source of images that can be displayed within column headers. |
IsHierarchical | Gets whether this column displays the node expand/collapse buttons. |
MaxWidth | Gets the maximum column width. |
MinWidth | Gets the minimum column width. |
MRUFilters | Provides access to the column’s recently used filters. |
Name | Gets or sets the column’s name. |
OptionsColumn | Provides access to the column’s options. |
OptionsEditForm | Provides access to settings applied to the Edit Form. |
OptionsFilter | Provides access to the column’s filter options. |
ParentBand | Gets or set a column’s parent band. |
ReadOnly | Gets a value indicating whether data within a column can be edited. |
RealColumnEdit | Gets the repository item that actually specifies the column’s editor. |
RowCount | Gets or sets the column header height, in logical rows. This property is in effect when columns can be arranged one under another in Banded mode. |
RowFooterSummary | Specifies the type of summary calculated against child nodes for every parent node in the current column. |
RowFooterSummaryStrFormat | Gets or sets the format to display the TreeListColumn.RowFooterSummary. |
RowIndex | Gets or sets the vertical position of a banded column. |
SeparatorWidth | Gets or sets the width, in pixels, of the column separator (grid vertical lines that visually separate this column from other columns). |
ShowButtonMode | Gets or sets a value that specifies which column cells display editor buttons. |
ShowUnboundExpressionMenu | Gets or sets whether an end-user can open an Expression Editor for the current unbound column, using a context menu. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
SortIndex | Gets the index of the column in the sorting columns list. |
SortMode | Gets or sets how the column’s data is sorted when sorting is applied. |
SortOrder | Gets or sets the column’s sort order. |
StyleName | Gets or sets the name of the style for the current column. |
SummaryFooter | Specifies the type of the summary to calculate against all nodes. |
SummaryFooterStrFormat | Gets or sets the format to display the TreeListColumn.SummaryFooter. |
Tag | Gets or sets the column’s associated data. |
ToolTip | Gets or sets a custom tooltip for the column. |
TreeList | Obtains the TreeList control to which a column belongs. |
UnboundDataType | Allows you to make the column unbound, and specify the type of data it stores. |
UnboundDataTypeName | For internal use. |
UnboundExpression | Gets or sets an expression used to evaluate values for the current unbound column. |
UnboundType | Specifies whether this column is unbound, and if so, the type of data it stores. |
Visible | Gets or sets whether the column is visible. |
VisibleIndex | Gets or sets the position in the Tree List where the current column is displayed. |
VisibleWidth | Gets the visible width of the column. |
Width | Gets or sets the column width in pixels. |
See Also