Unbound Columns
- 9 minutes to read
Unbound columns allow you to display custom data in the Tree List control. These columns are not bound to fields in the data source, and data for these columns needs to be provided using expressions or a dedicated event.
#Bound and Unbound Columns
Tree List supports two types of columns: bound and unbound.
Bound columns obtain their data from a control’s data source (TreeList.DataSource and TreeList.DataMember). These columns’ TreeListColumn.FieldName properties refer to fields that exist in the data source.
In some cases, the data source does not provide the values you wish to display in the Tree List. For instance, you may want to display values calculated according to a formula based on other column values. Unbound columns address these tasks.
To make a column unbound, do the following:
Set its UnboundDataType property to the type of data the column will display.
Set the unbound column’s TreeListColumn.FieldName property to a unique field name.
TreeListColumn unboundCol1 = new TreeListColumn();
unboundCol1.UnboundDataType = typeof(int);
unboundCol1.FieldName = "MyUnboundColumn1";
unboundCol1.Visible = true;
#Unbound Columns’ Data
Provide data for unbound columns using one of two approaches:
Set a formula (string expression) to the TreeListColumn.UnboundExpression property. In expressions, you can refer to other columns, and use various functions and operators.
At runtime, an end-user can edit an unbound column’s expression using an Expression Editor. It can be opened using a context menu (if the TreeListColumn.ShowUnboundExpressionMenu option is enabled) or in code using the TreeList.ShowUnboundExpressionEditor method.
Handle the TreeList.CustomUnboundColumnData event. This event can also be used to save any changes made by an end-user in unbound columns.
#Edit or Read-Only Mode
All unbound columns are editable by default. The TreeListOptionsColumn.AllowEdit or TreeListOptionsColumn.ReadOnly settings allow you to disable data edit operations.
To save changes made by end-users in unbound columns, an unbound column must be populated with the TreeList.CustomUnboundColumnData event, but not using expressions. This event’s IsGetData and IsSetData parameters determine whether you should provide or save the column’s data.
Unbound columns are supported in the following binding modes:
Unbound columns are not supported in other binding modes, which include:
#Reload Data in Unbound Columns
To reload data in unbound columns and redraw the control on-screen, use the following methods:
- TreeList.LayoutChanged - to reload all currently visible values and redraw the control.
- TreeList.RefreshNode - to redraw a specific cell or node.
The control also reloads data in unbound columns when you sort or filter data.
#Example 1
This example demonstrates how to create an editable unbound column. The example uses a simple cache implementation within the CustomUnboundColumnData event handler to fetch custom data faster.
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Columns;
private void CreateUnboundColumn() {
TreeListColumn column = treeList1.Columns.AddVisible("UnboundColumn");
column.UnboundDataType = typeof(string);
Dictionary<int, string> storage = new Dictionary<int, string>();
private void treeList1_CustomUnboundColumnData(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeListCustomColumnDataEventArgs e) {
if(e.Column.FieldName == "UnboundColumn") {
e.Value = storage[e.NodeID];
e.Value = storage[e.NodeID] = string.Format("Unbound value {0}", e.NodeID);
storage[e.NodeID] = e.Value.ToString();
#Example 2
This example creates a “Change from Previous Year” read-only unbound column in the TreeList control and populates this column with data using the TreeList.CustomUnboundColumnData event.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.Skins;
using DevExpress.LookAndFeel;
using DevExpress.UserSkins;
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Columns;
namespace TreeList_UnboundDataViaEvent {
public partial class Form1 : XtraForm {
public Form1() {
void InitTreeList() {
treeList1.DataSource = SalesDataGenerator.CreateData();
// Create and customize an unbound column.
TreeListColumn unbColumnMarchChange = new TreeListColumn();
unbColumnMarchChange.UnboundDataType = typeof(decimal);
unbColumnMarchChange.Visible = true;
unbColumnMarchChange.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false;
unbColumnMarchChange.FieldName = "ChangeFromPrevYear";
unbColumnMarchChange.Caption = "Change from Previous Year";
unbColumnMarchChange.Format.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Numeric;
unbColumnMarchChange.Format.FormatString = "p2";
// Change the appearance settings after the column is added to the TreeList.
unbColumnMarchChange.AppearanceHeader.Font = new Font(unbColumnMarchChange.AppearanceHeader.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
unbColumnMarchChange.AppearanceCell.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
// Subcribe to the event that provides data for unbound columns.
treeList1.CustomUnboundColumnData += TreeList1_CustomUnboundColumnData;
// Resize columns proportionally.
private void TreeList1_CustomUnboundColumnData(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeListCustomColumnDataEventArgs e) {
if(e.IsGetData && e.Column.FieldName == "ChangeFromPrevYear") {
SalesData currentRow = e.Row as SalesData;
if (currentRow == null) return;
e.Value = (currentRow.MarchSales - currentRow.MarchSalesPrev) / currentRow.MarchSalesPrev;
public class SalesData {
public SalesData(int id, int regionId, string region, decimal marchSales, decimal marchSalesPrev) {
ID = id;
RegionID = regionId;
Region = region;
MarchSales = marchSales;
MarchSalesPrev = marchSalesPrev;
public int ID { get; set; }
public int RegionID { get; set; }
public string Region { get; set; }
public decimal MarchSales { get; set; }
public decimal MarchSalesPrev { get; set; }
public class SalesDataGenerator {
public static List<SalesData> CreateData() {
List<SalesData> sales = new List<SalesData>();
sales.Add(new SalesData(0, -1, "Western Europe", 30540, 33000));
sales.Add(new SalesData(1, 0, "Austria", 22000, 20000));
sales.Add(new SalesData(2, 0, "Belgium", 13000, 9640));
sales.Add(new SalesData(3, 0, "Denmark", 21000, 18100));
sales.Add(new SalesData(4, 0, "Finland", 17000, 17420));
sales.Add(new SalesData(5, 0, "France", 23020, 27000));
sales.Add(new SalesData(6, 0, "Germany", 30540, 33000));
sales.Add(new SalesData(7, 0, "Greece", 15600, 13200));
sales.Add(new SalesData(8, 0, "Ireland", 9530, 10939));
sales.Add(new SalesData(9, 0, "Italy", 17299, 19321));
sales.Add(new SalesData(11, 0, "Netherlands", 8902, 9214));
sales.Add(new SalesData(12, 0, "Norway", 5400, 7310));
sales.Add(new SalesData(13, 0, "Portugal", 9220, 4271));
sales.Add(new SalesData(14, 0, "Spain", 12900, 10300));
sales.Add(new SalesData(15, 0, "Switzerland", 9323, 10730));
sales.Add(new SalesData(16, 0, "United Kingdom", 14580, 13967));
sales.Add(new SalesData(17, -1, "Eastern Europe", 22500, 24580));
sales.Add(new SalesData(18, 17, "Belarus", 7315, 18800));
sales.Add(new SalesData(19, 17, "Bulgaria", 6300, 2821));
sales.Add(new SalesData(20, 17, "Croatia", 4200, 3890));
sales.Add(new SalesData(21, 17, "Czech Republic", 19500, 15340));
sales.Add(new SalesData(22, 17, "Hungary", 13495, 13900));
sales.Add(new SalesData(23, 17, "Poland", 8930, 9440));
sales.Add(new SalesData(24, 17, "Romania", 4900, 5100));
sales.Add(new SalesData(25, 17, "Russia", 22500, 24580));
sales.Add(new SalesData(26, -1, "North America", 31400, 32800));
sales.Add(new SalesData(27, 26, "USA", 31400, 32800));
sales.Add(new SalesData(28, 26, "Canada", 25390, 27000));
sales.Add(new SalesData(29, -1, "South America", 16380, 15590));
sales.Add(new SalesData(30, 29, "Argentina", 16380, 15590));
sales.Add(new SalesData(31, 29, "Brazil", 4560, 5480));
sales.Add(new SalesData(32, -1, "Asia", 20388, 22547));
sales.Add(new SalesData(34, 32, "India", 4642, 5320));
sales.Add(new SalesData(35, 32, "Japan", 9457, 12859));
sales.Add(new SalesData(36, 32, "China", 20388, 22547));
return sales;