TreeListColumn.ColumnEdit Property
Gets or sets the repository item that specifies the editor used to edit a column’s cell values.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Columns
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v24.2.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Navigation, DevExpress.Win.TreeList
public RepositoryItem ColumnEdit { get; set; }
#Property Value
Type | Default | Description |
Repository |
null | A Repository |
Use the ColumnEdit property to assign an editor to a column, or to access the assigned editor’s settings. Note that the same editor can be bound to multiple columns and it can also be used in several controls. So, you need to be careful when changing an editor’s settings, since they are automatically reflected in all elements and controls that use the given editor.
At design time, the ColumnEdit property provides a dialog that lists all available repository items. These are the items stored within the Tree List control’s internal and external repositories. Please refer to the Inplace Editors topic for details on the DevExpress repository technology.
At runtime, you can simply create the desired RepositoryItem descendant, customize its settings and assign it to the ColumnEdit property.
You can also use the TreeListColumn.ColumnEditName property to bind an editor to the column. This property specifies the editor by name. Note that the ColumnEdit and TreeListColumn.ColumnEditName property values are synchronized.
By default, the editor assigned to a cell via the ColumnEdit property or TreeList.CustomNodeCellEdit event will also be used for editing the cell’s contents. If you want to use a different editor for in-place editing, handle the TreeList.CustomNodeCellEditForEditing event.
See Inplace Editors to learn more.
The following example demonstrates how to create and adjust a new in-place editor (ComboBoxEdit). The editor is bound to the “Location” column using the TreeListColumn.ColumnEdit
The screenshot below demonstrates the result of the code’s execution
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;
//Create a repository item corresponding to a combo box editor.
RepositoryItemComboBox riCombo = new RepositoryItemComboBox();
riCombo.Items.AddRange(new string[] {"San Francisco", "Monterey", "Toronto", "Boston", "Kuaui", "Singapore", "Tokyo"});
//Add the item to the internal repository
//Now you can define the repository item as an in-place column editor
columnLocation.ColumnEdit = riCombo;
The following example creates a TreeList at runtime and shows how to perform basic customization tasks:
- Bind the treelist to a data source
- Specify the key fields that form a hierarchy
- Access automatically created columns
- Set a custom row height
- Customize column captions (using HTML tags) and cell appearance settings
- Create unbound columns and create Excel-style format conditions based on these column values
- Assign an in-place editor (a spin editor) to columns
- Sort data
- Calculate total summaries
- Filter nodes
- Hide columns and calculate column “best” widths
- Locate and expand nodes
- Focus a specific cell
- Specify DataAnnotation attributes at the data source level (the “p0” display format for the MarketShare field)
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList;
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Columns;
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Nodes;
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList.StyleFormatConditions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace TreeList_example {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
TreeList treeList1 = new TreeList();
treeList1.Parent = this;
treeList1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
//Specify the fields that arrange underlying data as a hierarchy.
treeList1.KeyFieldName = "ID";
treeList1.ParentFieldName = "RegionID";
//Allow the treelist to create columns bound to the fields the KeyFieldName and ParentFieldName properties specify.
treeList1.OptionsBehavior.PopulateServiceColumns = true;
//Specify the data source.
treeList1.DataSource = SalesDataGenerator.CreateData();
//The treelist automatically creates columns for the public fields found in the data source.
//You do not need to call the TreeList.PopulateColumns method unless the treeList1.OptionsBehavior.AutoPopulateColumns option is disabled.
//Change the row height.
treeList1.RowHeight = 23;
//Access the automatically created columns.
TreeListColumn colRegion = treeList1.Columns["Region"];
TreeListColumn colMarchSales = treeList1.Columns["MarchSales"];
TreeListColumn colSeptemberSales = treeList1.Columns["SeptemberSales"];
TreeListColumn colMarchSalesPrev = treeList1.Columns["MarchSalesPrev"];
TreeListColumn colSeptemberSalesPrev = treeList1.Columns["SeptemberSalesPrev"];
TreeListColumn colMarketShare = treeList1.Columns["MarketShare"];
//Hide the key columns. An end user can access them from the Customization Form.
treeList1.Columns[treeList1.KeyFieldName].Visible = false;
treeList1.Columns[treeList1.ParentFieldName].Visible = false;
//Format column headers and cell values.
colMarchSalesPrev.Caption = "<i>Previous <b>March</b> Sales</i>";
colSeptemberSalesPrev.Caption = "<i>Previous <b>September</b> Sales</i>";
treeList1.OptionsView.AllowHtmlDrawHeaders = true;
colMarchSalesPrev.AppearanceCell.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(colMarchSalesPrev.AppearanceCell.Font, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic);
colSeptemberSalesPrev.AppearanceCell.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(colSeptemberSalesPrev.AppearanceCell.Font, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic);
//Create two hidden unbound columns that calculate their values from expressions.
TreeListColumn colUnboundMarchChange = treeList1.Columns.AddField("FromPrevMarchChange");
colUnboundMarchChange.Caption = "Change from prev March";
colUnboundMarchChange.UnboundDataType = typeof(decimal);
colUnboundMarchChange.UnboundExpression = "[MarchSales]-[MarchSalesPrev]";
TreeListColumn colUnboundSeptemberChange = treeList1.Columns.AddField("FromPrevSepChange");
colUnboundSeptemberChange.Caption = "Change from prev September";
colUnboundSeptemberChange.UnboundDataType = typeof(decimal);
colUnboundSeptemberChange.UnboundExpression = "[SeptemberSales]-[SeptemberSalesPrev]";
colUnboundMarchChange.OptionsColumn.ShowInCustomizationForm = false;
colUnboundSeptemberChange.OptionsColumn.ShowInCustomizationForm = false;
//Make the Region column read-only.
colRegion.OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true;
//Sort data against the Region column.
colRegion.SortIndex = 0;
//Apply a filter.
treeList1.ActiveFilterString = "[MarchSales] > 10000";
//Calculate two total summaries against root nodes.
colMarchSales.SummaryFooter = DevExpress.XtraTreeList.SummaryItemType.Sum;
colMarchSales.SummaryFooterStrFormat = "Total={0:c0}";
colMarchSales.AllNodesSummary = false;
colSeptemberSales.SummaryFooter = DevExpress.XtraTreeList.SummaryItemType.Sum;
colSeptemberSales.SummaryFooterStrFormat = "Total={0:c0}";
colSeptemberSales.AllNodesSummary = false;
treeList1.OptionsView.ShowSummaryFooter = true;
//Use a 'SpinEdit' in-place editor for the 'sales' columns.
RepositoryItemSpinEdit riSpinEdit = new RepositoryItemSpinEdit();
riSpinEdit.DisplayFormat.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Numeric;
riSpinEdit.DisplayFormat.FormatString = "c0";
colMarchSales.ColumnEdit = riSpinEdit;
colMarchSalesPrev.ColumnEdit = riSpinEdit;
colSeptemberSales.ColumnEdit = riSpinEdit;
colSeptemberSalesPrev.ColumnEdit = riSpinEdit;
//Apply Excel-style formatting: display predefined 'Up Arrow' and 'Down Arrow' icons based on the unbound column values.
TreeListFormatRule rule1 = new TreeListFormatRule();
rule1.Rule = createThreeTrianglesIconSetRule();
rule1.Column = colUnboundMarchChange;
rule1.ColumnApplyTo = colMarchSales;
TreeListFormatRule rule2 = new TreeListFormatRule();
rule2.Rule = createThreeTrianglesIconSetRule();
rule2.Column = colUnboundSeptemberChange;
rule2.ColumnApplyTo = colSeptemberSales;
//Do not stretch columns to the treelist width.
treeList1.OptionsView.AutoWidth = false;
//Locate a node by a value it contains.
TreeListNode node1 = treeList1.FindNodeByFieldValue("Region", "North America");
//Focus and expand this node.
treeList1.FocusedNode = node1;
node1.Expanded = true;
//Locate a node by its key field value and expand it.
TreeListNode node2 = treeList1.FindNodeByKeyID(32);//Node 'Asia'
//Calculate the optimal column widths after the treelist is shown.
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate {
FormatConditionRuleIconSet createThreeTrianglesIconSetRule() {
FormatConditionRuleIconSet ruleIconSet = new FormatConditionRuleIconSet();
FormatConditionIconSet iconSet = ruleIconSet.IconSet = new FormatConditionIconSet();
FormatConditionIconSetIcon icon1 = new FormatConditionIconSetIcon();
FormatConditionIconSetIcon icon2 = new FormatConditionIconSetIcon();
FormatConditionIconSetIcon icon3 = new FormatConditionIconSetIcon();
//Choose predefined icons.
icon1.PredefinedName = "Triangles3_3.png";
icon2.PredefinedName = "Triangles3_2.png";
icon3.PredefinedName = "Triangles3_1.png";
//Specify the type of threshold values.
iconSet.ValueType = FormatConditionValueType.Number;
//Define ranges to which icons are applied by setting threshold values.
icon1.Value = Decimal.MinValue;
icon1.ValueComparison = FormatConditionComparisonType.GreaterOrEqual;
icon2.Value = 0;
icon2.ValueComparison = FormatConditionComparisonType.GreaterOrEqual;
icon3.Value = 0;
icon3.ValueComparison = FormatConditionComparisonType.Greater;
//Add icons to the icon set.
return ruleIconSet;
public class SalesData {
static int UniqueID = 37;
public SalesData() {
ID = UniqueID++;
public SalesData(int id, int regionId, string region, decimal marchSales, decimal septemberSales, decimal marchSalesPrev, decimal septermberSalesPrev, double marketShare) {
ID = id;
RegionID = regionId;
Region = region;
MarchSales = marchSales;
SeptemberSales = septemberSales;
MarchSalesPrev = marchSalesPrev;
SeptemberSalesPrev = septermberSalesPrev;
MarketShare = marketShare;
public int ID { get; set; }
public int RegionID { get; set; }
public string Region { get; set; }
public decimal MarchSales { get; set; }
public decimal SeptemberSales { get; set; }
public decimal MarchSalesPrev { get; set; }
public decimal SeptemberSalesPrev { get; set; }
[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "p0")]
public double MarketShare { get; set; }
public class SalesDataGenerator {
public static List<SalesData> CreateData() {
List<SalesData> sales = new List<SalesData>();
sales.Add(new SalesData(0, -1, "Western Europe", 30540, 33000, 32220, 35500, .70));
sales.Add(new SalesData(1, 0, "Austria", 22000, 28000, 26120, 28500, .92));
sales.Add(new SalesData(2, 0, "France", 23020, 27000, 20120, 29200, .51));
sales.Add(new SalesData(3, 0, "Germany", 30540, 33000, 32220, 35500, .93));
sales.Add(new SalesData(4, 0, "Spain", 12900, 10300, 14300, 9900, .82));
sales.Add(new SalesData(5, 0, "Switzerland", 9323, 10730, 7244, 9400, .14));
sales.Add(new SalesData(6, 0, "United Kingdom", 14580, 13967, 15200, 16900, .91));
sales.Add(new SalesData(17, -1, "Eastern Europe", 22500, 24580, 21225, 22698, .62));
sales.Add(new SalesData(18, 17, "Belarus", 7315, 18800, 8240, 17480, .34));
sales.Add(new SalesData(19, 17, "Bulgaria", 6300, 2821, 5200, 10880, .8));
sales.Add(new SalesData(20, 17, "Croatia", 4200, 3890, 3880, 4430, .29));
sales.Add(new SalesData(21, 17, "Russia", 22500, 24580, 21225, 22698, .85));
sales.Add(new SalesData(26, -1, "North America", 31400, 32800, 30300, 31940, .84));
sales.Add(new SalesData(27, 26, "USA", 31400, 32800, 30300, 31940, .87));
sales.Add(new SalesData(28, 26, "Canada", 25390, 27000, 5200, 29880, .64));
sales.Add(new SalesData(29, -1, "South America", 16380, 17590, 15400, 16680, .32));
sales.Add(new SalesData(30, 29, "Argentina", 16380, 17590, 15400, 16680, .88));
sales.Add(new SalesData(31, 29, "Brazil", 4560, 9480, 3900, 6100, .10));
sales.Add(new SalesData(32, -1, "Asia", 20388, 22547, 22500, 25756, .52));
sales.Add(new SalesData(34, 32, "India", 4642, 5320, 4200, 6470, .44));
sales.Add(new SalesData(35, 32, "Japan", 9457, 12859, 8300, 8733, .70));
sales.Add(new SalesData(36, 32, "China", 20388, 22547, 22500, 25756, .82));
return sales;
#Related GitHub Examples
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