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ScaleBasedRangeControlClientOptions.DataDisplayType Property

Specifies how appointments contained in a SchedulerControl should be indicated in a RangeControl - using thumbnails or numbers.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler


public RangeControlDataDisplayType DataDisplayType { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
RangeControlDataDisplayType Auto

A RangeControlDataDisplayType enumeration member.

Available values:

Name Description

Appointment data contained in a SchedulerControl is shown by the RangeControl as either appointment thumbnails or numbers of appointments in each interval.


Appointment data contained in SchedulerControl is shown by RangeControl as appointment thumbnails, each of which is colored according to a label of the corresponding appointment.


Each interval in the RangeControl shows a number of appointments contained in the corresponding time interval in a SchedulerControl.


Wnen SchedulerControl and RangeControl are integrated, RangeControl displays information about appointments in a simplified manner. Each RangeControl’s interval shows appointment thumbnails or the number of appointments for the corresponding interval. The information on appointments displayed in the RangeControl is changed on the fly when an end-user creates, edits or deletes appointments in the scheduler.

Use the DataDisplayType property to specify the appointment data display type.

  • DataDisplayType=Auto

    Appointments are displayed as thumbnails if they all can fit into the corresponding interval area of RangeControl, taking into account the RangeControl’s current height. If there are more appointments than can be displayed within a particular interval of the RangeControl via thumbnails, this interval will contain a number of appointments.



  • DataDisplayType=Thumbnail

    Appointment data is schematically displayed via appointment thumbnails. Each thumbnail color is specified by the label of the corresponding appointment. To specify the height of appointment thumbnails, use the ScaleBasedRangeControlClientOptions.ThumbnailHeight property.


  • DataDisplayType=Number

    Each RangeControl interval displays the number of appointments contained within the corresponding time interval in SchedulerControl. Note that zeros are not displayed.



When scheduler data is grouped by either dates or resources, the RangeControl shows appointment thumbnails or a number of appointments for all available resources (not only for visible resources).

See Also