LayoutViewColumn Properties
Represents a column in a Layout View.Name | Description |
AbsoluteIndex | Gets or sets the column’s position within the View’s column collection. Inherited from GridColumn. |
AccessibleDescription | Gets or sets the object’s description used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from GridColumn. |
AccessibleName | Gets or sets the object’s name used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from GridColumn. |
AccessibleRole | Gets or sets the object’s accessible role. Inherited from GridColumn. |
AllowHotTrack | Gets whether column hot-tracking is allowed. |
AllowSummaryMenu | Gets or sets whether all supported summaries or only the Count summary are enabled in the column’s footer context menu. Inherited from GridColumn. |
AppearanceCell | Gets the appearance settings used to paint the column’s data cells. Inherited from GridColumn. |
AppearanceHeader | Gets the appearance settings used to paint the column header. Inherited from GridColumn. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
CanShowInAdvancedCustomizationForm | Gets whether the column can be shown in the advanced customization form. Inherited from GridColumn. |
CanShowInCustomizationForm | Gets a value indicating whether the column’s header can be displayed within the Customization Form. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Caption | Gets or sets the column’s display caption. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ColumnAnnotationAttributes | Returns the object that contains current values for all existing Data Annotation Attributes. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ColumnEdit | Gets or sets the in-place editor for all data cells that belong to this column. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ColumnEditName | Gets or sets the name of the column’s editor. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ColumnHandle | Gets or sets the column’s bound data field by its index within the associated data source. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ColumnType | Gets the column’s data type. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
CustomizationCaption | Gets or sets the column’s caption when its header is displayed within the Customization Form. Inherited from GridColumn. |
CustomizationSearchCaption | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from GridColumn. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
DisplayFormat | Provides access to the object specifying the formatting applied to column values. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
FieldName | To bind a column to a data source field, set this property to the required data field name. To create unbound columns, assign a unique identifier to this property. If you obtained a column as a method return value or as an event argument, read the FieldName property value to identify this column. Inherited from GridColumn. |
FieldNameSortGroup | Gets or sets another field by which data is sorted/grouped/filtered when sorting/grouping/filtering is applied to the current column. The FieldNameSortGroup property is intended to be used in Server data binding modes to sort columns (e.g., lookup columns) against text instead of edit values. Inherited from GridColumn. |
FilterInfo | Gets or sets the filter condition applied to the column. Inherited from GridColumn. |
FilterMode | Gets or sets how column values are filtered in the auto filter row and in filter dropdown. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Fixed | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the column takes part in horizontal View scrolling or is anchored to a View edge. Inherited from GridColumn. |
GroupFormat | Provides access to the formatting settings for the column’s values which are displayed within group rows. Inherited from GridColumn. |
GroupIndex | Gets or sets the if the grid data are grouped by the given column, and what the group level is. Inherited from GridColumn. |
GroupInterval | Gets or sets how data rows are grouped by a specific column. The following help section describes the limitations of server mode: Server Mode Limitations and Specifics. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Image | Gets or sets the image displayed within the field’s caption. |
ImageAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment of an image within the field’s caption. This member is not supported. Use the LayoutViewField.ImageAlignment property instead. |
ImageIndex | Gets or sets the index of an image in the ColumnView.Images collection that will be displayed within the field’s caption. |
ImageOptions | Provides access to settings that allow you to set up raster and vector icons for this GridColumn. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Images | Gets an image collection whose images can be displayed within the column’s header. Inherited from GridColumn. |
IsLoading | Indicates whether the View that owns the current column is currently being initialized. Inherited from GridColumn. |
IsUnboundExpressionValid | Gets whether the column’s GridColumn.UnboundExpression specifies a valid expression. Inherited from GridColumn. |
LayoutViewField | Gets the layout field that corresponds to the current column. |
MaxWidth | This property is not supported by the LayoutViewColumn class. |
MinWidth | This property is not supported by the LayoutViewColumn class. |
MRUFilters | Provides access to the column’s recently used filters. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Name | Gets or sets the column name. Inherited from GridColumn. |
OptionsColumn | Provides access to the column’s options. Inherited from GridColumn. |
OptionsEditForm | Provides access to the settings of the editor that corresponds to the current column within an Edit Form. Inherited from GridColumn. |
OptionsField | Contains options that control the display of a field’s sort and filter buttons. |
OptionsFilter | Provides access to the filter options for the current column. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ReadOnly | Returns the OptionsColumn.ReadOnly property value. Inherited from GridColumn. |
RealColumnEdit | Gets the repository item that actually represents the column’s editor. Inherited from GridColumn. |
SearchText | Gets or sets the text of the column’s built-in header search box. This property is supported in Grid Views and Banded Grid Views. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ShowButtonMode | Gets or sets a value that specifies which column cells display editor buttons. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ShowUnboundExpressionMenu | Gets or sets whether an end-user can open an Expression Editor for the current unbound column, using a context menu. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
SortIndex | Gets or sets the column’s position among sorted columns. Inherited from GridColumn. |
SortMode | Gets or sets how the column’s data are sorted/grouped. Inherited from GridColumn. |
SortOrder | Gets or sets the column’s sort order. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Summary | Allows you to add multiple total summaries for a column. These summaries are displayed within the View Footer. Inherited from GridColumn. |
SummaryItem | Provides access to the column’s footer summary settings. Inherited from GridColumn. |
SummaryText | Gets the summary text displayed within the View footer cell located under this column. Inherited from GridColumn. |
Tag | Gets or sets the data associated with the column. Inherited from GridColumn. |
ToolTip | Gets or sets a custom tooltip for the current card field. This member is not supported by the LayoutViewColumn class. |
UnboundDataType | Allows you to make the column unbound, and specify the type of data it stores. Inherited from GridColumn. |
UnboundDataTypeName | For internal use. Inherited from GridColumn. |
UnboundExpression | Gets or sets an expression that the unbound column uses to calculate its cell values. Columns with unbound expressions are non-editable. Inherited from GridColumn. |
UnboundType | Specifies whether this column is unbound, and if so, the type of data it stores. Inherited from GridColumn. |
View | Gets the View which owns the current column. |
Visible | Gets or sets whether the card field is visible. |
VisibleIndex | This property is not supported by the LayoutViewColumn class. |
VisibleWidth | Gets the actual column width. This property is useful in column auto-width mode (see GridOptionsView.ColumnAutoWidth). Inherited from GridColumn. |
Width | This property is not supported by the LayoutViewColumn class. |
See Also