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RibbonOptionsTouch Properties

Provides access to a set of properties that manage this RibbonControl‘s touch behavior.
Name Description
AffectOnlyRibbon Gets or sets whether the RibbonOptionsTouch.TouchUI setting only affects the Ribbon UI.
MouseModeGlyph Gets or sets the image displayed by the mouse option of the touch/mouse mode selector in Quick Access Toolbar.
MouseModeImageOptions Provides access to options specific to the image displayed by the mouse option of the touch/mouse mode selector in Quick Access Toolbar.
ShowTouchUISelectorInQAT Gets or sets whether this RibbonControl displays a touch/mouse mode selector in its Quick Access Toolbar.
ShowTouchUISelectorInSearchMenu Gets or sets whether the search box finds the Touch/Mouse Mode selector.
ShowTouchUISelectorVisibilityItemInQATMenu Gets or sets whether end-users can switch the touch/mouse mode selector’s visibility via the Quick Access Toolbar menu.
TouchModeGlyph Gets or sets the image displayed by the touch option of the touch/mouse mode selector in the Quick Access Toolbar.
TouchModeImageOptions Provides access to options specific to the image displayed by the touch option of the touch/mouse mode selector in Quick Access Toolbar.
TouchMouseModeSelectorGlyph Gets or sets the image displayed by touch/mouse mode selector in the Quick Access Toolbar.
TouchMouseModeSelectorImageOptions Provides access to options specific to the image displayed by the touch/mouse mode selector in the Quick Access Toolbar.
TouchUI Gets or sets whether the touch UI is enabled for the Ribbon Control and optionally for other DevExpress controls in the project.
See Also