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ImageCollection.ResolveImage Event

When requesting an image from the ImageCollection, the ResolveImage event fires when the project resources do not contain a DPI-specific image that matches the requested image and allows you to provide this DPI-specific image manually. This event is in effect when the ImageCollection.IsDpiAware option is enabled and the requested image was loaded into the ImageCollection from the project resources.

Namespace: DevExpress.Utils

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v24.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public event ImageCollectionResolveImageEventHandler ResolveImage

#Event Data

The ResolveImage event's data class is DevExpress.Utils.ImageCollectionResolveImageEventArgs.


The ResolveImage event is in effect if the ImageCollection.IsDpiAware option is enabled. See this topic for information on displaying different images in different DPI display modes.

When handling the ResolveImage event, you can provide a DPI-specific image with the event’s Image parameter. The event’s ResourceName parameter identifies the name of the image requested from the ImageCollection. The Dpi parameter identifies the DPI value for which the DPI-specific image needs to be returned.

See Also