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LinearScaleMarker Class

A linear scale marker.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Gauges

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Gauges.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Gauges


public class LinearScaleMarker :

The following members return LinearScaleMarker objects:


A marker is used to indicate an invariable value of a linear scale. An instance of a linear scale marker is represented by the LinearScaleMarker object. It can be accessed as an item of the LinearScaleMarkerCollection object returned by the LinearScale.Markers property.

A typical marker of a linear scale is shown in the image below:

Linear Gauge_ Marker

For more information on markers, refer to the Marker document.


This example illustrates how to create a LinearGaugeControl instance with two LinearScale objects.

View Example

<Window x:Class="DXGauges_Linear.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="525">
        <dxga:LinearGaugeControl  Name="linearGaugeControl1" Margin="0,24,0,20">
                <dxga:LinearScale StartValue="-40" EndValue="120" 
                                  MajorIntervalCount="8"  Width="60">
                        <dxga:LinearScaleRange EndValue="32" StartValue="-40">
                                <dxga:DefaultLinearScaleRangePresentation Fill="LightBlue" />
                        <dxga:LinearScaleRange EndValue="120" StartValue="32">
                                <dxga:DefaultLinearScaleRangePresentation Fill="Tomato" />
                        <dxga:ScaleCustomLabel Content="°F" Offset="-45" Value="-45" />
                        <dxga:LinearScaleLevelBar Value="59" />
                <dxga:LinearScale StartValue="-40" EndValue="120" 
                                  MajorIntervalCount="8" Margin="68,0,0,0" >
                        <dxga:LinearScaleRange StartValue="-40" EndValue="32" >
                                <dxga:DefaultLinearScaleRangePresentation Fill="LightBlue" />
                        <dxga:LinearScaleRange StartValue="32" EndValue="120" >
                                <dxga:DefaultLinearScaleRangePresentation Fill="Tomato" />
                        <dxga:LinearScaleMarker Value="68" />
                        <dxga:ScaleCustomLabel Content="°F" Offset="-7" Value="-45" />
                        <dxga:LinearScaleLabelOptions Offset="3" />
                        <dxga:MinorTickmarkOptions Offset="-16" />
See Also