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ArcScaleRangeBar Class

An arc scale range bar.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Gauges

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Gauges.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Gauges


public class ArcScaleRangeBar :

The following members return ArcScaleRangeBar objects:


A range bar is used to display particular intervals of a circular scale. An instance of an arc scale range bar is represented by the ArcScaleRangeBar object. It can be accessed as an item of the ArcScaleRangeBarCollection object returned by the ArcScale.RangeBars property.

A typical arc scale range bar is shown in the image below:

Circular Gauge_Range Bar

For more information on range bars, refer to the Range Bar document.


This example illustrates how to create a CircularGaugeControl instance with a single ArcScale object.

View Example

<Window x:Class="DXGauges_Circular.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <dxga:CircularGaugeControl Name="circularGaugeControl1" >
                <dxga:CircularRedClockModel />
                <dxga:ArcScale StartValue="0" EndValue="12" 
                               StartAngle="-90" EndAngle="270"
                               MajorIntervalCount="12" MinorIntervalCount="5">
                        <dxga:ArcScaleLabelOptions ShowFirst="False" Orientation="LeftToRight" />
                        <dxga:ArcScaleNeedle Value="3" />
                        <dxga:ArcScaleNeedle Value="12" />
                        <dxga:ArcScaleMarker Value="7" />
                        <dxga:ArcScaleRangeBar AnchorValue="7" Value="3" />
                        <dxga:ArcScaleLayer />
                        <dxga:ArcScaleRange StartValue="0" EndValue="4" />
                        <dxga:ArcScaleRange StartValue="4" EndValue="8" />
                        <dxga:ArcScaleRange StartValue="8" EndValue="12" />
See Also